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Win95 FAQ Part 4 of 14: Hardware
Section - 4.5. How do I make this input device work...

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     * 4.5.1. ...unlisted mouse? 
   Use the Standard mouse driver. Win95 has three standard drivers for
   three different mouse ports; serial, PS/2, and Bus. The Bus Mouse
   driver will work with mice plugged into an ATI Graphics Ultra card.
   Since no one designs mice for something other than these three
   connectors, you're probably better off getting a replacement mouse if
   it doesn't work with Win95. For $10.00 you can find a good serial

     * How can I use the middle mouse button on Logitech (or
       similar) mice? 
   Win95 supports the third button as long as the mouse driver does. Use
   Logitech's latest mouse driver (7.1) for Win95 to enable third mouse
   button support. However, the applications need to LOOK for it.
   Currently, the only Win95 app that uses the middle button is DOOM95 by
   id Software.

     * 4.5.2. tablet? 
   Both SummaGraphics
   ( and CalComp
   ( have Win95 versions of the WINTAB
   interface, for their tablets. For other tablets you should see about
   switching them to emulate a Summa or CalComp tablet, or check with
   your manufacturer. As more pointing device makers write Windows NT
   support, Win95 support will increase.
   Many tablets work alongside of mice; when you move the mouse, motion
   is relative, and when you move the tablet motion is absolute,
   depending on the range of tablet you calibrated your screen to.

     * 4.5.3. ...MIDI keyboard? 
   Load a Win95 driver for your MIDI interface, and use the same Win 3.1
   software you used before, to record your MIDI keystrokes and other
   events. Win95's Sound Blaster drivers support MIDI through the
   joystick port, and MPU 401 compatible cards will work with the MPU 401
   driver. Microsoft also included an MT-32 driver.

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Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
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Thank you
Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
My all protocol working save normally
And rfcs link workings locks and blocking

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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 4 of 14: Hardware
Previous Document: 4.4. How do I make this drive work...
Next Document: 4.6. How do I fix hardware conflicts?

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