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Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Section - 2.13. How do I uninstall Windows 95 from...

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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Previous Document: 2.12. Things to try before giving up
Next Document: 2.14. Top ten UN-installation mistakes
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     * 2.13.1. ...installation on top of my old Windows 3.x? 
   If you enabled the uninstall feature back in Setup, go to Add/Remove
   Programs in Control Panel, and remove Windows 95. This will restore
   your original Windows config files, your original DOS config files,
   and the original partition table and boot record of the target drive.
   If you didn't enable uninstall, you'll have to trash your Win95
   directory using the technique below, and re-install Win 3.1 fresh.
     * 2.13.2. ...installation on separate directory or drive? 
   There's no fancy uninstaller for this kind of installation. However,
   you can just:

DELTREE C:\WIN95 (or wherever)

   and that'll work. To do this, get your DOS setup disks and boot from
   the first disk. Then, exit that setup program to a DOS prompt. From
   here you type:

DELTREE C:\WIN95 (or wherever)
DELTREE C:\PROGRA~1 (The old "Program files" directory)

   then re-boot.
   You can then run Windows 3.1 File Manager, with "Show Hidden/System
   Files" turned on, to hunt for other files you don't recognize.
     * 2.13.3. ...a computer with DriveSpace 3 (TM) disk compression? 
   If you installed DriveSpace 3 from MS Plus and you chose to
   uninstall Win95, you can still access DriveSpace 3 drives, as it keeps
   the real mode component drvspace.bin there. DOS will recognize this
   version and load it. Of course, it'll eat 100 KB of conventional
   memory, so you had better back up your compressed drive and
   re-partition it, to kill DriveSpace 3 completely. Otherwise, the
   techniques above for removing Win95 will work just fine.
     * 2.13.4. ...a server based install? 
   The techniques above will work for a server based install, just make
   sure you get your right version of DOS and your old DOS network
   drivers back when you do it. It's also a lot less to delete.
     * 2.13.5. ...a diskless workstation? 
   You'll need to change back to your DOS boot disk or DOS virtual boot
   disk, then just clean out Win95 from your home directory. If you
   installed on top of a Win 3.1 diskless install, you're better off
   re-installing Win 3.1 fresh.

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Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Previous Document: 2.12. Things to try before giving up
Next Document: 2.14. Top ten UN-installation mistakes

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