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Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Section - 2.1. Basics about Win95 vs. Win 3.x and DOS

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   Back up (Make a copy of) your hard drive first, if you don't know what
   you're doing! Back up anyway even if you do.
   Windows 95 is a very different beast from Windows 3.1, different from
   MS-DOS, different from anything else out there. Treat it like Windows
   95 and not like DOS, and it will install and perform like Windows 95.
   This is especially true with installation. Try to remove as many old
   DOS drivers, TSRs, disk compressors, disk managers, etc before
   attempting to install. Setup will recognize a host of such programs
   and warn you to remove them before continuing. Heed that warning! And
   if you have any doubts as to what Setup will do to your computer, back
   up your hard drive first!
   One very useful function of Setup is creating a Startup Disk to start
   the computer from, in case Win95 can't start on its own. Setup will
   ask you if you want a Startup disk just before it copies its files to
   your hard drive. Make up a Startup Disk. You can even uninstall Win95
   from this startup disk, provided you enabled Uninstallation in Setup
   (If you installed on top of Win 3.1).
   NOTE: The Startup disk that Setup makes for you will not contain any
   real mode (DOS) drivers for hardware. It only contains basic utilities
   you'd normally associate with DOS (scandisk, etc) plus utilities to
   import or export Registry keys (or the entire Registry), and the
   Uninstaller. You must add drivers to the disk's DOS configuration (and
   hence you should know how to configure stuff in DOS) if you expect to
   use such hardware after booting from that disk.
   Another very useful tool, though it doesn't get built during Setup, is
   the Emergency Recovery Disk. If you own a CD-ROM version of Win95,
   copy the ERU utilities, from \OTHER\MISC\ERU to your Win95 directory,
   after you finish installing Win95. Then, when you want to make a
   recovery disk, run eru.exe. Afterwards, if you ever corrupt your Win95
   setup, run erd.exe (the DOS counterpart to eru) to re-build the lost
     * 2.1.1. Basics about OEM Service Release 2 vs original Win95, Win
       3.x, and DOS 
   Much of the original Windows 95 install rules above also apply to
   version 4.00.950B, more commonly known as OSR2, or even (quite
   mistakenly) "Windows 97". Here are additional points to know before
   installing 4.00.950B:
     * Without special "attention", 4.00.950B will only install on a
       clean computer (without DOS, Win 3.1, or Win95, or any other
       operating system). The OSR2 FAQ
       ( contains details on how to
       install 4.00.950B on a system that already has a version of
     * 4.00.950B's version of DOS (DOS 7.1) will not run Windows 3.1 (as
       per FAQ pages 3 and 12). This version's IO.SYS includes special
       code to block other versions of Windows from starting. (Download
       this patch to fix DOS 7.1 so it can run Windows 3.x). However,
       this version of DOS will run other DOS apps, including games, as
       long as they don't perform direct disk writes (even if you use
       FAT32 file system).
     * Read the OSR2 FAQ after you read this one.

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Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
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City. Belkuchi
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