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Win95 FAQ Part 14 of 14: Misc
Section - Rantings from yours truly:

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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 14 of 14: Misc
Previous Document: 14.12. Top ten answers to Microsoft's question: "Where do you want to go today?"
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   Back in 1985 I went ga-ga over the newly released Amiga by Commodore.
   All this cool hardware that was light-years beyond the faintest hopes
   of DOS box users with their 8-bit XTs and 16-bit '286 machines. The
   first true 32-bit system (Ok so it used a 16-bit 68000, but that 68000
   was designed for 32-bit operation from day one, and the software was
   ALL 32-bit). I still have an Amiga with all the latest hardware and
   enjoy the old stuff (which still runs) and the new stuff I download
   from Aminet every other day.
   Now ten years later the DOS box industry finally catches up (while
   Commodore slept for ten years and eventually went bankrupt) and
   Microsoft, the undisputed industry leader, releases their answer. Of
   course they had to keep ten years of 8-bit compatibility (and DOS
   boxes will suck forever because of this) but the excitement was there;
   one I haven't felt really since 1985. Ok it was there for about two
   months with OS/2 2.0 but if you're visiting this page chances are you
   aren't using OS/2. I feel the excitement when I find a cool piece of
   shareware or some new software that really takes advantage.
   So it was a lame story, OK? But for the first time here's a computer
   system that is Mainstream and also Cool. Probably my next system will
   run NT when everyone writes cool 32-bit software, but until then
   Win95's here, and it's my job to support my boss's customers who use
   Hence the FAQ. I read too many stupid and lame questions on the
   newsgroups, and the same people insist on running CorelSCSI or some
   other old DOS crap because their hardware sucks without it. Well guess
   what? Your hardware just sucks even WITH CorelSCSI or whatever the old
   DOS software is. Replace it and get Win95 compatible stuff. That's the
   answer I keep telling everyone on the newsgroups, and I know it works
   because In-Line's customers do that and everything works. I also
   figure that if the stupid questions get answered quickly, In-Line's
   customers can call with more intelligent questions, which will usually
   take longer, and earn us more, and won't bore us to tears.
   Oh yes... regarding my blatant cross-posting of the FAQ. Like I
   explained in the very first page and in fact the very first question,
   FAQs are supposed to answer frequently asked questions, in order to
   reduce traffic on USENET. A minor surge of a 350 KB of text (which is
   what my FAQ totals to, incidentally) should prevent about 4 MB a day
   of useless questions. FAQs have nothing to do with the World Wide Web
   (with the exception of FAQs about the WWW itself) nor is it mandatory
   to post a FAQ on a web or FTP site.
   I was asked to post the FAQ to the standard FAQ repositories (being
   the archive at and news.answers and comp.answers) so
   anyone without WWW or FTP access could get them. So I have. And all I
   get is sh*t from a couple of salesmen telling me not to pollute
   USENET. Yeah right; they probably just don't want me taking what
   little business they have. Poor them; they must go crazy answering
   stupid questions. I know I do.
   And yeah... how about those advertisers and their fakeware?
   I hope everyone out there reading this FAQ are as excited about this
   new stuff as I am. Despite all the hype, hoopla, and bullsh*t, this
   has finally turned Personal Computers upside-down.

= I am Gordon of Winterpeg. Junk mail is futile.          Post MakeMoneyFast =
= Find out why:      Or eat pink meat from a can =
= World's best computer:          they're both the same =
= Windows 95 FAQ:    =

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Best Regards
Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
My all proton working save normally
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Thank you
Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
My all protocol working save normally
And rfcs link workings locks and blocking

Thank you
Sep 1, 2022 @ 1:13 pm
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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 14 of 14: Misc
Previous Document: 14.12. Top ten answers to Microsoft's question: "Where do you want to go today?"

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM