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Introduction to comp.os.*.win95 groups and FAQ
Section - 7. Where else can I find good information?

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Top Document: Introduction to comp.os.*.win95 groups and FAQ
Previous Document: 6. Tell me about the main FAQ...
Next Document: 8. Why do you have the Amiga web site in your .signature?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
You can start by reading the FAQ and checking the places I link to.  These
places include the MS Knowledge Base, Win95NetBugs, Annoyances, Ben
Goetter's Exchange FAQ, and others.  Eventually I'll link to a bunch of
other useful Win95 sites from my site, but for now these important ones I
link to from the Administrivia page.

A search on your favorite search engine will turn up a lot of useful stuff
too, and a lot of anti-MS stuff in case you're into MS abuse.  Try visiting
<> one day.

The books are there in your bookstore too, but aside from _Windows 95 for
Dummies_ I can't recommend any of them.  The Resource Kit is OK I suppose,
but check back with the MS Knowledge Base for corrections.  

Finally, after you went through the FAQs, go ahead and ask a question on
the above groups.  Intelligent questions get lots of attention from me and
others, and often produce intelligent answers besides "RTFM".

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Introduction to comp.os.*.win95 groups and FAQ
Previous Document: 6. Tell me about the main FAQ...
Next Document: 8. Why do you have the Amiga web site in your .signature?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM