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sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
Section - -8- Is there a sci.virtual-worlds mailing list?

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Top Document: sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
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Next Document: -9- Where are the sci.virtual-worlds posting archives?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Yes, it's called VIRTU-L:

VIRTU-L is the mailing list mirror of sci.virtual-worlds. Greg Newby
<> is the administrator. He can be contacted if you
experience problems with the automated system.

To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to the automated list
server <>, with the following text in the
body of the message:

subscribe listname Your Full Name

(of course you need to replace "listname" with "virtu-l" and you need to
replace "Your Full Name" with your actual name, do not use quotes and do not
use your userid).

For anyone out there who receives sci-vw by the e-mail listserver, and who
prefers individual postings rather than the "digest" format, just send a
note to with a blank subject line, and the
following in the body:

set virtu-l nodigests

For more information consult the lists' FAQ in the sci.virtual-worlds ftp


Note: VIRTU-L is NOT a moderated group, submissions mailed to
<> are posted directly to that list.
Sci.virtual-worlds _is_ moderated and does_not_ post automatically. Hence,
posting to virtu-l is automatic and posting to sci.virtual-worlds might take
longer (moderator must read and post). Also, sci.virtual-worlds' posting
contain subject tags in the subject heading and might contain comments by
the moderator. Submissions that are posted (in other words, accepted) to
sci.virtual-worlds are also mailed to the VIRTU-L mailing list. However,
VIRTU-L postings are not always accepted to sci.virtual-worlds.

User Contributions:

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Top Document: sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
Previous Document: -6- What are the Subject-line Tags?
Next Document: -9- Where are the sci.virtual-worlds posting archives?

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"Sci.Virtual-Worlds" <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM