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alt.bbs.unixbbs Frequently Asked Questions
Section - BBS-Util

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BBS-Util        BBS Utilities                   source included
Dial-Up Utils

    contact:    Adam McKee

From a recent email from Adam:
        BBS-Util no longer exists (as such).  I have renamed the package to
        'Dial-Up Utils' (because the package is not specifically oriented
        towards BBS administration, but towards the administration of dial-ups
        in general).  Dial-Up Utils 1.1 contains several features not found in
        BBS-Util 1.0 such as "Smart-Boot[tm]" (booting users only when all
        lines are busy, and optionally booting at most *one* user per minute
        in order to maximize line utilization).  You can find the package at:

Adam wrote this package to enhance and add to the functions provided by
the BBLinux package. It adds the following functions:

timeleft:       Tells users how much time they have left
daysleft:       Tells users how many days they have left before their account
user_add:       Creates passwd file entry AND record in the BBS user database.
user_addrec:    Create record in user database.
user_del:       Removes passwd file entry AND record in the BBS user database.
user_delrec:    delete record in user database.
user_data:      Shows BBS user record in a readable format.
user_kick:      Give a user the boot (i.e. kill all of their processes).
user_login:     determine if user is allowed to login now.
user_purge:     Remove accounts which have not been used in a certain # of days
user_renew:     Resets users daily time used. Handles expired accounts.
user_subscribe: Give a user x minutes / day for the next y days.
user_sync:      synchronize the BBS user file with the password file.
user_time:      change the expiry date and daily time limit of a user.
user_touch:     Modify a user's "last online" field to equal the current date.
user_unsubscribe: Terminate a users subscription.
user_updated:   A deamon that boots users off as necessary.
clean_proc:     Kills processes left running by users after they logged out.
clean_tmp:      Unlinks files in directories you specify.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM