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Babylon 5, UK Mini-FAQ: tv news & newsgroup info (v1.43b)
Section - 5. Stories, novels and magazines

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    US editions of novels are often available in the UK from SF shops such
    as Forbidden Planet and Andromeda.  Or they can be purchased with a
    credit card from, or from US bookshops, by
    phone or Internet.

    Disclaimer: ISBN numbers are quoted in good faith but may have
    typographical errors.

Q 5.0 When can I get JMS's Babylon 5 short stories in 'Amazing Stories'?

A.  There are 3 Babylon 5 short stories on their way...

    JMS wrote on 2nd April 1999:
     "Aside from the coming novels, I've just turned in the first of
     three B5 stories that will be appearing in Amazing Stories Magazine."

    The 3 short stories are all set after the penultimate episode, Objects
    at Rest:
      The Shadow of his Thoughts - is about Londo, and appeared in the
        Summer 1999 issue, (issue #597, July 1999).
      Genius Loci - follows G'Kar & Lyta, in the Winter 1999 issue, (issue
        #599, December 1999).
*     ? - no title yet but JMS gave these details on the 15th January 2000:
*         "The third, which I just finished and turned in to Amazing
*         Stories, and which will appear I think around May, was written
*         with one express purpose: to set the proverbial cat amongst the
*         proverbial pigeons with something that's going to send a ripple
*         all through B5 fandom; it's a story I don't think anyone ever
*         expected to see.
*         Just the first line alone should stun a number of B5 folks
*         And that's all I'm going to say about it.  But just know...
*         there's a real toad-strangler coming up in May."
*       This will actually be out on June 26th in the Summer 2000 issue,
*       (issue #602).

    Check the Amazing Stories website for more news, and subscription
*   <URL:>

Q 5.1 Explain this thing with the novels to me.

A.  There is a stack of B5 novels in print, and on the way, to supplement
    the tv series with aspects of the story that didn't make it to the
    small screen.  The first nine were of variable quality, whilst JMS &
    Babylonian had some initial input into the story ideas they had little
    control over their development.  (Except that the ninth was actually
    written by JMS's wife.)

    The second series of nine and the tv movie novelizations are looking
    a lot better.

Q 5.2 Are any of the first set of novels any good?

A.  I found these to be of very mixed quality but they are nevertheless
    being repackaged, (in the UK), in omnibus volumes.  I've rated each of
    those which I've read, you may not agree with my ratings but I hope
    they are of some value to you.

    Babylon 5 Omnibus 1
      UK: Channel 4 books; ISBN: 0-7522-1778-X
      Paperback - 768 pages (19 August, 1999)
      Comprising these three stories;
        Babylon 5: Voices
          John Vornholt
          (Formerly published as Book #1. UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0644-3.
          US; pbk - Dell ISBN 0-440-22057-2,
              Turtleback - Demco Media ISBN 0-606-07239-X)
          Rating: 6 out of 10.  Readable and shedding some interesting
        Babylon 5: Accusations
          Lois Tilton
          (Formerly published as Book #2. UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0649-4.
          US; pbk - Dell ISBN 0-440-22058-0,
              Turtleback - Demco Media ISBN 0-606-07240-3)
          Rating: none.  (Not read this one.)
        Babylon 5: Blood Oath
          John Vornholt
          (Formerly published as Book #3. UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0654-0.
          US; pbk - Dell ISBN 0-440-22059-9,
              Turtleback - Demco Media ISBN 0-606-07241-1)
          Rating: none.  (Not read this one.)

    The other 6 novels are still available individually, they may also
    appear in the future in omnibus forms:

    Book #4
      Babylon 5: Clark's Law
        Jim Mortimore
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0153-0   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22229-X
        Rating: 6 out of 10.  Good standalone story.

    Book #5
      Babylon 5: The Touch of Your Shadow, The Whisper of Your Name
        Neal Barrett Jr
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0158-1   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22230-3
        Rating: 4 out of 10.  Weak.

    Book #6
      Babylon 5: Betrayals
        S.M. Stirling
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-0163-8   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22234-6
        Rating: none.  (Not read this one.)

    Book #7
      Babylon 5: The Shadow Within
        Jeanne Cavelos
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2339-9   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22348-2
        Rating: 8 out of 10.  Anna Sheridan's story, a must read.

    Book #8
      Babylon 5: Personal Agendas
        Al Sarrantonio
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2344-5   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22351-2
        Rating: 1 out of 10.  Avoid.

    Book #9
      Babylon 5: To Dream in the City of Sorrows
        Kathryn M. Drennan
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2354-2   US; Dell ISBN 0-440-22354-7
        Rating: 9 out of 10.  Highly recommended, lots of tie-ins with
        the tv episodes.

Q 5.3 Which of the tv movies have been novelized?

A.  JMS originally promised a novelization of the pilot, no more was
    heard and it is presumed that this died with PTEN's demands for
    editing it as a four act drama and the delay between the pilot
    and season 1 causing the loss of several actors & characters.

    The four tv movies were all intended to be novelized.  Sadly The
    River of Souls is the worst Babylon 5 story to escape Babylonian and
    see the light of day.  One can only presume the screenplay is as bad
    as the movie, yet based on this screenplay Yvonne Navarro created a
    novelization of the story.  Given the starting point whatever Ms
    Navarro wrote must surely have been an improvement, unfortunately JMS
    took exception to the novel and "The River of Souls" looks unlikely
    to ever reach the presses.  Read Yvonne's story of heartbreak here:

    So only three of the TV movies have been novelized:
      In the Beginning, by Peter David
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2484-0    US; Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42452-2

      Thirdspace, by Peter David
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2489-1    US; Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42454-9

      A Call to Arms, by Robert Sheckley
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-1813-1    US; Del Rey ISBN 0-345-43155-3

Q 5.4 When are the second set of novels coming out?

A.  The second set of B5 novels are first published in the US by Del Rey,
    and anywhere between a few weeks and a few months later in the UK by

    There are three trilogies of new B5 novels in progress:

    The telepath (a.k.a. Psi Corps) trilogy - by J. Gregory Keyes
    1   Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2112-4    US; Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42715-7

    2   Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant
        UK; Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2113-2    US; Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42716-5

    3   Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester
        UK: Boxtree ISBN 0-7522-2114-0    US: Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42717-3

    Centauri Prime trilogy - by Peter David
    *** No UK publication info for any of these ***
    1   Legions of Fire: the Long Night of Centauri Prime
        US: Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42718-1
    2   Armies of Light and Dark
        US: 1st May 2000 - Del Rey ISBN 0-345-42719-X
*   3   Out of the Darkness
*       US: expected somewhen in 2000

    Technomage trilogy - by Jeanne Cavelos
        no publication dates yet (first one in 2000)
*   1   The Passing of the Techno-Mages: Casting Shadows
*   2   Summoning Light
*   3   title & publication info not yet known

Q 5.5 Can I get scripts for Babylon 5 or Crusade?

A.  Most tv scripts you may see advertised or on dealer stands are bootleg
    photocopies of actors scripts.  No money from these will reach JMS or
    Babylonian Productions.

    Two genuine full B5 scripts are available in book form:

    The Coming of Shadows:
      The Coming of Shadows Script Book, by Joe Straczynski
        UK only: Boxtree; ISBN: 0-7522-1144-7 (128 pages, 19 June 1998)
      The Complete Book of Scriptwriting, by Joe Straczynski includes
        the script of TCoS as an appendix.
        US: Writers Digest Books; ISBN 0-898-79512-5 (Oct 1996)
        UK: Titan Books; ISBN 1-85286-882-1 (paperback 432pp Sept 1997)

    The Day of the Dead: Neil Gaiman's script is being sold with
    annotations in aid of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund,
    ISBN: 1-89205-802-2.  Available from Forbidden Planet and directly
    from the CBLDF <URL:>, amongst other places.

*   Copies of the original scripts are being sold, one per month, from the
*   official fan site:
*     <URL:>

Q 5.6 Can I get writer's bibles for Babylon 5 or Crusade?

    On 26th June 1999 JMS posted to the 'net that the Writer's Bible for
    Crusade is available.  Here's what he said:
      For those is now selling copies of
      the original Crusade writer's bible, packed with information about
      the series, and the characters, stuff that won't be seen until all
      13 air.  This is the first time we've made a series bible available
      for either B5 or Crusade...and they're already going fast.


Q 5.7 You mentioned The Babylon 5 Magazine, where can I get this?

A.  There are several magazines with good regular coverage of Babylon 5.

    The obvious first one to mention is The Official Babylon 5 Magazine,
    for more details and info on how you can subscribe check the
    magazine's FAQ:

    Another magazine to look for is Dreamwatch, more info from:

Q 5.8 Are there any Babylon 5 graphic novels or comics?

A.  Yes, there are 4 graphic novels:
    Babylon 5
      Straczynski, Moretti, Netzer, Leigh, Garzon
      UK: Titan Books; 96 pages, 1995 - ISBN 1-85286-646-2 - UKP 6.99
      Published in the USA by DC Comics as issues 1-4 of 'Babylon 5'
      Set between Babylon 5 seasons 1 & 2, prior to Kathryn Drennan's
      novel "To Dream in the City of Sorrows".

    Babylon 5: Shadows Past and Present
      Straczynski, DeHaas, Ridgway
      UK: Titan Books; 96 pages, 1996 - ISBN 1-85286-735-3 - UKP 6.99
      Published in the USA by DC Comics as issues 5-8 of 'Babylon 5'
      Set between Babylon 5 seasons 1 & 2.

    Babylon 5: In Valen's Name
      J. Michael Straczynski, Peter David, et al
      UK: Titan Books; 76 pages, 1998 - ISBN 1-85286-981-X - UKP 6.99
      Previously published in Babylon 5 magazine.

    Babylon 5 : The Price of Peace
      J. Michael Straczynski, et al
      US/import: DC Comics; 1998 - ISBN 1-56389-567-X
      Previously published in Babylon 5 magazine.
      Prestory on how the Psi-Corps came to be created, see also
      J. Gregory Keyes trilogy of Psi-Corps novels.

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