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Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
Section - 27.*

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Top Document: Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
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This hierarchy is for the discussion of any sports within the UK.*

This is an important sub-hierarchy of*, with its own sub-charter.
Moreover, there is a group template charter to enable such groups to
be created without the full RFD procedure.

Within the UK the word "football" normally means association football, i.e.
"soccer", and groups created under this sub-hierarchy will generally be
presumed to be for the discussion of association football only.
Exceptionally, groups for other codes of football MAY be included in this
sub-hierarchy, provided their names and charters make this absolutely clear.

Groups to discuss specific football clubs should come under a* sub-hierarchy.

Group Template Charter:*

  Any proponent wishing to deviate from this template for the newsgroup
  they wish to create is free to do so under the normal RFD process.
Group Definition 
   All football clubs that are members of:
     1 England: Football Association Premiership and Football League
       Div 1-3
     2 Scotland: Scottish Football Association Premiership and Scottish
       Football League Div 1-3
    Any proponents wishing to create a football club group using the
    "Group Template" option must satisfy the following conditions:
     1. The football club shall fall within the "Group Definition".
     2. A further 11-20 potential newsgroup users shall provide their
        names and valid email addresses for listing in the posting, by
        Control, to, and
     3. The normally accepted full name of the football club shall be
        used in the newsgroup name and shall be hyphenated if necessary
        (e.g. tottenham-hotspur, derby-county).
     4. If using the full name of the club causes the newsgroup line
        length to be exceeded then the proponent may use a common
        abbreviation to fix the problem. In the event of any dispute, the
        Committee shall be the final arbiters.
     5. The group charter shall be the following in full:
Charter Template
    Newsgroups line:<club-name>    <Club Name> FC
    Charter for unmoderated group<club-name><club-name> is for the discussion of all
    <Club Name> Football Club related topics. Advocacy of other clubs
    should take place within

    Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
    Suppliers of goods and services particularly relevant to <Club Name>
    Football Club may post, not more than once every 3 months, an
    invitation of four lines or fewer, to visit their web site or request
    details. The subject line should begin: "ADVERT:&nbsp".
    Binaries And Formatting

    Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.), are
    *forbidden*, except for cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP). Binaries
    belong on a web or ftp site, whose URL may be posted.
    Posts must be in plain text. To see how to make your newsreader
    comply with this, read <>.

    Crossposting is strictly forbidden with the following exception:
    Crossposting to one other group in* is
    permitted for topics of common interest such as transfer speculation
    and forthcoming matches.

    Anyone posting advertisements, binaries or other material contrary
    to this charter may be reported to their ISP or postmaster without
    further warning after their first offence.
Quick Group Creation Request
A request for a newsgroup should be emailed to
with the wording:
    "Request for quick creation:
    We request creation of a newsgroup for <Club Name> FC in accordance
    with the Charter Template for* groups"

and a list of 12-21 supporters with valid email addresses.

User Contributions:

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Top Document: Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
Previous Document: 26. uk.sci.*
Next Document: 28.*

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM