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Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
Section - 15. uk.local.*

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Top Document: Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
Previous Document: 14.*
Next Document: 16.*
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The hierarchy is for groups to discuss issues and announce events 
related to recognised and identifiable locations and regions within
the United Kingdom, or in territories closely associated with it.
Groups will be created in the form: uk.local.<area-name> or in the
form: uk.local.<area-name>.<subcategory>. <area-name> is the area to
be covered by the group (and <subcategory> can be used or extended as
necessary). The <area-name> shall be that which is in  everyday usage
or an alias that is commonly understood.

Other, more suitable, hierarchies shall be used for fictional,
imaginary or virtual locations."

Messages posted to groups in this hierarchy must not be cross-posted to more
than a TOTAL of four uk.local.* newsgroups; these may be geographically
adjacent or overlapping, or connected by the subject of the post (e.g. "moving
house from Manchester to Birmingham").

Note that the advertising of widely-available goods or services is *not*
relevant in this context, and that most uk.local.* groups have restrictions on
advertising, or prohibit it. Cross-posted adverts, where allowed, must meet
the requirements of the charters of *all* groups involved.
A paragraph to this effect, must be included in any future charter for a group
in this hierarchy.

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Top Document: Hierarchy Charters for uk.*
Previous Document: 14.*
Next Document: 16.*

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM