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Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Section - 3. What are the symptoms of RSI?

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 2. What is RSI?
Next Document: 4. What Causes RSI?
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     *  Tenderness and pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back, upper arm,
        elbows, forearms, wrists or fingers.
     *  Swelling in the hands or forearms.
     *  Tingling, numbness or loss of sensation.
     *  Muscle spasms or weakness (including loss of strength of grip).
     *  Difficulty using hands for numerous domestic, work and personal
        tasks (including turning pages of books or magazines, carrying or
        lifting things, turning doorknobs or taps or keys, holding a
        coffee mug, etc.).

RSI is a progressive condition, it starts with mild pain or tiredness of the
hands, arms etc. during the working day, getting better overnight. Progressing
to the pain and tiredness persisting overnight, but getting better after a few
days break, to finally persistent pain which does not go away even after
complete rest.

The earlier treatment is commenced, the better your chance of complete
recovery.  In the later stages, complete recovery is not always possible
although symptoms can be reduced with treatment.

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 2. What is RSI?
Next Document: 4. What Causes RSI?

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Ellen Mizzell <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM