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UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Section - 4. Is goth a religious movement?

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: 3. How did the term "gothic" come to describe a style of music?
Next Document: 5. How is the goth scene linked to the "vampire scene"?
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The goth scene is rich in religious imagery, including symbols such as 
ankhs, crucifixes and pentacles; however it is neither a religious nor 
an occult movement.  It is seldom an issue in the goth scene, and there 
are goths who are atheists, agnostics, Christians and Pagans, as well as 
other beliefs too.

Religion is not a major theme for most goth bands either, even though 
many do have members who are religious.  The Pagan group Inkubus 
Sukkubus are an exception to this, and have loyal fans in both goth and 
Pagan circles.  For an example of a Christian goth icon, look no further 
than Nick Cave; he describes how he came to embrace religion in the 
essay "The Flesh Made Word," which can be found amoungst the pages of 
"King Ink II" (Two Thirteen Sixty-One Publications, 1997).

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: 3. How did the term "gothic" come to describe a style of music?
Next Document: 5. How is the goth scene linked to the "vampire scene"?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM