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UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Section - Table of Contents

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: 1. Recent Changes
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
         1. Recent Changes
         2. What is the gothic subculture?
         3. How did the term "gothic" come to describe a style of music?
         4. Is goth a religious movement?
         5. How is the goth scene linked to the "vampire scene"?
         6. Is the goth scene linked with violence or fascism?
         7. What goth events are taking place in the near future?
         8. What is the Whitby Gothic Weekend all about?
         9. What other festivals are of interest to UK goths?
        10. What magazines are popular in the UK scene?
        11. Can any books on the scene be recommended?
        12. How can I get hold of goth music?
        13. Where can I find out about goth fashion?
        14. How can I look after black clothes?
        15. What can I do if I have no local scene?
        16. What is a "net.goth"?
        17. What is
        18. What newsgroups exist?
        19. What are some good tips for posting to uk.people.gothic?
        20. What is Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and #uk_goffs?
        21. What other Internet resources exist?
        22. Credits

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: 1. Recent Changes

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Dave H <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM