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UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Section - 8. What is the Whitby Gothic Weekend all about?

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
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Next Document: 9. What other festivals are of interest to UK goths?
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The Whitby Gothic Weekend <> is the UK's 
longest running goth festival.  An extended weekend break, it's a place 
for goths both inside and outside the UK to watch bands, discover new 
music and generally have a good time.  Another important part of the 
weekend is the Bizarre Bazaar, which is an excellent place to find those 
essential goth and cyber wardrobe items.

The first WGW was in September 1994, when Jo Hampshire (Top Mum) invited 
her friends on a seaside holiday.  The idea was more popular than she 
anticipated -- two hundred black-clad people turned up!  Sensing she was 
on to a winner, the gothic weekend became an annual event situated in 
and around the Spa Pavilion.  Since 1997 there have been two WGWs a 
year, usually held around April and November.  Anywhere between 1000 and 
1500 people turn up.

For information on getting hold of a ticket, consult the WGW website.  
The best tip for finding somewhere to stay is -- book early!  Whitby 
Tourist Information can be contacted on +44 (0)1947 602674, and they 
have computerised availability.  Other useful websites include the 
Whitby Hospitality Association <> and 
Whitby Online <>.  The StarVox web 
magazine also has a good WGW feature at 

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: 7. What goth events are taking place in the near future?
Next Document: 9. What other festivals are of interest to UK goths?

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Dave H <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM