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Married... With Children FAQ []
Section - 4.0. Has Christina Applegate ever posed nude? (No)

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 3.F. In syndication, why do they keep showing just the episodes
Next Document: 4.1. Isn't Amanda Bearse a lesbian?
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We used to get this question a lot. There exist nude pictures that claim
to be her, which fall into 3 categories:

  *   Other people who bear a small resemblance to her. Notably
      Penthouse model Brianna Rae, Neriah Davis, Heather Lere and
      playmate Barbara Moore. The Moore photo usually has attached the
      story that it was sent "by an angry ex-boyfriend". If so, he very
      oddly sent Ms. Moore's picture instead of his ex's.

      Incidentally, Barbara Moore played Dee Anna in "The Wedding
      Repercussions" and Neriah Davis played Anytime in "Flight of the

  *   Cut-and-paste jobs: Modified versions of genuine, non-nude
      pictures of her. Usually her head or face pasted onto another
      woman's body. I know of at least half a dozen, ranging from very
      poor fakes to an almost-convincing picture on a white background
      with flowers.

  *   Stills from _Streets_. These are really her, they just aren't very

      Among the disputed claims about the scenes in _Streets_:

          That she used some sort of fake breasts or fake top. (This
          seems plausible to me, given the positioning and the

          That there was a body double. (This does not seem plausible to
          me because her face is visible. I'm reliably told that it is
          really her)

If you want to be very technical, many years ago she appeared naked as a
baby with her mother in a commercial for Playtex baby bottle liners.

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 3.F. In syndication, why do they keep showing just the episodes
Next Document: 4.1. Isn't Amanda Bearse a lesbian?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM