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Married... With Children FAQ []
Section - 3.E. Does anyone know why MWC was cancelled?

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Not unless Philip Roth (CEO of Fox at the time) is lurking here.

In the initial announcement, Fox gave two reasons, the cost of the show
and the ratings. They later said "many different factors".

Fox's explanation isn't entirely taken at face value in The
newsgroup's collective wisdom leans towards money as a big reason.
Towards the end MWC reportedly cost in the area of 1.5 million US$ per
episode, a lot of money even for a hit TV series. The general feeling is
that ratings are a red herring. 9 million US viewers managed to find the
show in each of its many different timeslots during the final season,
despite little advertising.

So choose your own explanation.

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 3.D. What are the words to the Psycho Dad theme song?
Next Document: 3.F. In syndication, why do they keep showing just the episodes

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM