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Married... With Children FAQ []
Section - 2.3. What about UEA/Unhappily Ever After?

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
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Next Document: 3.0. What was the deal with Seven? (The little blond boy)
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Unhappily Ever After is a TV show on the WB that was modelled in many
respects on MWC, and shares many of MWC's former writers and producer. has become the ~de facto~ home for traffic about UEA. (for one of the UEA stars) exists on some sites, but
for some reason has not garnered noticeable traffic.

I believe the general feeling in runs as follows: Most
readers seem to have no objection to it, and many appreciate it to some
degree. However, a minority of readers vocally object to UEA traffic.

For the moment, I don't believe it's wrong to post UEA traffic as long
as the subject line clearly says "Unhappily Ever After" or "UEA".

If you honestly feel strongly about not seeing it, it's easy to killfile
UEA/Unhappily Ever After. In rn and its derivatives:

    /Unhappily Ever After/K:j

It's also relatively easy to create,, or If someone wants to do that, I'll adjust this FAQ

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 2.2. But there are no rules. I'll post what I want.
Next Document: 3.0. What was the deal with Seven? (The little blond boy)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM