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soc.culture.thai Technical FAQ
Section - B.1) Domestic computer market

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Top Document: soc.culture.thai Technical FAQ
Previous Document: S.1) Microsoft Windows 3.1 Thai Edition
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Data compiled from Prachachart Thurakit, Siam Post and Bangkok Post.
October 1993.

Market size

                1990         1991             1992           1993
             --------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
               Value     Value  Growth    Value  Growth    Value  Growth
              M Baht    M Baht     %     M Baht     %     M Baht     %
Mainframe     1,675.0   2,000.0  19.40   4,624.0 131.20   3,788.0 (18.08)
  Hardware                               2,312.0          1,994.0
  SW/Svcs                                2,312.0          1,794.0
Minicomputer  2,300.0   2,500.0   8.70   2,883.0  15.32   5,629.4  92.26
  Hardware                               1,730.0          2,786.6
  SW/Svcs                                1,153.0          2,842.8
Workstation      70.0     180.0 157.40     504.0 180.00   1,110.1  39.19
  Hardware                                 252.0            385.1
  SW/Svcs                                  252.0            725.0
PC            4,855.3   5,914.3  21.81   8,302.0  40.37  11,472.6  38.19
  Hardware                               7,728.0         10,236.4
  SW/Svcs                                  564.0          1,236.2
Total         8,900.3  10,594.3  19.03  16,313.0  53.98  22,000.1  34.86
  Hardware                              12,032.0         15,402.1
  SW/Svcs                                4,281.0          6,598.0
Sources: Computer Association of Thailand -- Vendor Group (CATVG) and
         Association of Thai Computer Industry (ATCI)

Random predictions

ATCI: 1993 market breakdown
                                 Unit     Value
                                 Sold    M Baht

       Mainframe                   35     1,533
       Minicomputer               778     2,537.6
       Workstation                517       377.41
       PC                                 6,384
         Brand (imported)       81000     4,008
         No brand (local made)  69000     2,376
           486dx      50.8 %
           486sx      35.0 %
           386dx       7.6 %
           386sx       6.7 %
       Hard disk               120000     1,230
       Monitor                  70000       552
         B&W          18.6 %
         Color        81.4 %
       Software and Services              6,598
         Software            59.7 %
         Network              8.1 %
         Installation/MIS    31.5 %
         DP/Service Bureau    0.7 %

       Total market                      22,000.11
         Mainframe & Info Services        3,788
         Minicomputer & Info Services     5,629.4
         Workstation                      1,110.11
         PC                              11,472.6

IBM Thailand: 1993 market breakdown

   - Total market: 22,000 million Baht
   - Growth over 1992: 35%
   - 46% of total market is minicomputer
      x  Enjoys 47% growth rate
      x  Average prices: 1992    1.7 million Baht
                         1993H1  1.4 million Baht
                         1993H2  2.3 million Baht
   - PC and peripherals: 11,000 million Baht

Datamat: 1993 software and services market

   - Software and services (S&S) has 30% share from the total market
   - Anticipated at 54% share by the year 2000
   - S&S sales will jump from 6 billion Baht this year to 23 billion by
     2000 A.D.
   - Software alone is 2.6 billion now and 16 billion in the year 2000
   - S&S : Hardware ratio is 30:70
   - In the year 2000, the ratio will be 40:60

Microsoft Thailand: PC market

   - Predict more offerings on services, training and after-sales support
   - Regional market size
       Singapore    89,000 units
       Hong Kong   105,000
       Thailand    150,000
       Taiwan      570,000
       Korea       860,000



Thanks for contributions from:
  John. A. Brubaker ( for N.3;
  Mike Barnes (mbarnes@finally.East.Sun.COM) for N.5;
  Panu Sittiwong ( for S.1;
  Randall Jones ( for S.1;
  Trin Tantsetthi ( for N.1, N.2, N.3, N.4, N.5
    and B.1.

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Previous Document: S.1) Microsoft Windows 3.1 Thai Edition

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