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comp.text Frequently Asked Questions
Section - TR9. What are width tables?

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Next Document: TR10. How do I make width tables?
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Both CAT troff and ditroff need to know the width of each character
that you use.  The widths of each character (along with some additional
characteristics) are arranged in a file for each font.  There are
basically five different width table formats:

	1) CAT troff: uses a binary table of 224 unsigned chars.
	2) MIPS (and RISC/Ultrix) CAT troff uses an ASCII dump of (1)
	3) DWB 2.x and several of the commercial variants use an ASCII
	   format that is compiled into a binary form by a special program
	   called "makedev".
	4) DWB 3.x uses the ASCII format mentioned in (3) - doesn't need
	   to be compiled.
	5) Groff uses the ASCII format mentioned in (4) with minor variations.

If the width tables are wrong, character spacing will look funny - up
to and including overlapping characters, and broken right justification.

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Top Document: comp.text Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: TR8. What are fonts? How do I add fonts?
Next Document: TR10. How do I make width tables?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM