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comp.text Frequently Asked Questions
Section - Questions discussed:

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Top Document: comp.text Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: GN1. What is the difference between word processing, desktop publishing, technical publishing, electronic publishing, etc?
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General interest:

  GN1. What is the difference between word processing, desktop
         publishing, technical publishing, electronic publishing, etc?
  GN2. Which do I need?
  GN3. What is a markup language?
  GN4. What is SGML? ODA?
  GN5. What is WYSIWYG? Do I need it?
  GN6. What is PostScript?
  GN7. What is TeX?
  GN8. What are some popular Desktop Publishing packages?
  GN9. Where can I read more?
  GN10. What is Lout?
  GN11. What is Grif?
  GN12. Where can I find indexing software?
  GN13. What is RTF?

Specific to troff:

  TR1. What is troff? Why are there so many questions about it?
  TR2. How many varieties of troff are there? What are the differences?
  TR3. What are some of the filters for troff output?
  TR4. What other troff printer drivers are there?
  TR5. How do I get my troff to drive my printer?
  TR6. None of the mentioned packages support *my* printer.  Help?
  TR7. How do I embed PostScript in troff?
  TR8. What are fonts?  How do I add fonts?
  TR9. What are width tables?
  TR10. How do I make width tables?
  TR11. What are: pic, eqn, tbl, grap, refer?
  TR12. How do I preview my troff on my screen?
  TR13. I need makedev, but my DWB doesn't come with it.
  TR14. How can I get nroff/troff for DOS?
  TR15. What books can I get about DWB?
  TR16. Complete DWB Description 

The discussions below are organized in digest-form, so you may
scan ahead for "^Subject:" to move from one topic to the next
(the ^G command does this in rn), and you may search for "^Subject: GN5"
(for example) to jump to the discussion of a particular question.
(The caret "^" before "Subject" is a convention of regular expressions
that restricts the search to match only at the beginning of a line.)

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: comp.text Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: GN1. What is the difference between word processing, desktop publishing, technical publishing, electronic publishing, etc?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM