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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 8/9
Section - [Wildstorm] Star Trek: Special

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 8/9
Previous Document: [Wildstorm] Star Trek: New Frontier
Next Document: [Wildstorm] Star Trek: Divided We Fall (TNG/DS9 mini-series)
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2001	Painted cover. Prestige format.

"Bloodline" (TOS)
Kirk goes to the rescue of the U.S.S. Feynman and his nephew Peter.
(Ian Edginton; Carlos Mota, Keith Aiken; John Van Fleet)
"A rolling stone gathers no nanoprobes" (TNG)
The Borg encounter a quick-thinking human and the Horta on Janus IV
("Devil in the dark" [TOS]).
(Andy Mangels, Mike Martin; Paul Neary, David Roach;)
"When the stars come a-calling" (DS9)
Pulp writer Benny Russell struggles with his visions of alien
domination ("Far beyond the stars" [DS9]).
(Ben Raab; John Lucas;)
"Exercises in futility" (VOY)
Seven proposes a risky plan to move Voyager closer to home.
(Stuart Moore; Gordon Purcell, John Stanisci;)
"The legacy of Eleanor Dain" (TNG/TOS)
The Enterprise recovers the work of an artist thought long dead.
(Christopher Hinz; Tommy Lee Edwards;)
"The wake" (TOS)
Retired Admiral McCoy receives visits from two old friends.
(Jeffrey Lang; Steve Lieber;)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 8/9
Previous Document: [Wildstorm] Star Trek: New Frontier
Next Document: [Wildstorm] Star Trek: Divided We Fall (TNG/DS9 mini-series)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM