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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Section - [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Celebrity Series

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Previous Document: [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Specials
Next Document: [Malibu Comics] Hearts and Minds (mini-series)
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Malibu's Celebrity Series features characters from all eras
of Star Trek and stories written by Star Trek actors.

01	May 95	Blood and honor
Dax, Bashir, and a young ensign return from the Gamma Quadrant
with a mysterious artifact generating phenomenal ammounts of
energy. Upon arrival they learn that a Starfleet officer has died
in a questionable accident and Jannak, a Romulan diplomat, has
arrived on DS9 as ambassador to Bajor. More accidents and deaths
occur, causing suspicion to shift from the Romulans to Bajoran
fundamentalists. The truth about the artifact prompts Jannak to
invite the young ensign, whose name is Kirk, to join him in
fulfilling the vision shared by his father and one Captain Kirk
years before ("Balance of Terror" [TOS]). Also contains "Mark
Lenard Biography: A man of many hats" by Robert and Catherine
Felix and an editorial by Mark Paniccia. Cover features a b&w
photo of Lenard and his signature. Also available in a signed,
limited edition.
(Mark Lenard; Leonard Kirk, Ken Penders, Terry Pallot, Larry
Welch, Scott Reed; Penders, Kirk, Pallot, Renee Pulve)

01	Aug 95	The Rules of Diplomacy
At Sisko's request, Starfleet Academy hopeful Nog escorts
a young Klingon officer on his first diplomatic mission to the
Ferengi homeworld. While visiting a casino, Nog and his guest
learn about their respective cultures and form a friendship.
Also contains an editorial by Phil Crain and "Aron Eisenberg:
Nog--No Ordinary Guy" by Chris Kipiniak. Cover features a photo
of Nog and a b&w photo of Aron Eisenberg in the upper right corner.
Also available in a signed, limited edition.
(Aron Eisenberg, Mark Paniccia; Leonard Kirk, Bob Almond, John
Montgomery, Scott Reed; Moose Baumann)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Previous Document: [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Specials
Next Document: [Malibu Comics] Hearts and Minds (mini-series)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM