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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Section - [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Annuals

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Previous Document: [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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01	Jan 95	The Looking Glass War
A badly damaged starship arrives unannounced through the
wormhole. It is another U.S.S. Defiant, piloted by Curzon Dax.
Arriving from a parallel dimension, Curzon needs Odo's help to
prevent a war between the Federation and the Dominion. In his
dimension, the Dominion invaded and were turned back after heavy
losses and only after the Jem'Hadar had taken hostages,
including Sisko, Kira, and Bashir. With O'Brien's help, Curzon
searched many dimensions until he found one with Odo, because
the flashpoint that caused his war was Odo's murder. Sisko
denies Curzon's request. Curzon kidnaps Odo and escapes to his
dimension in the undamaged Defiant. Sisko and his crew repair
Curzon's defiant and follow Curzon for a confrontation with the
Jem'Hadar and themselves.
(Mike W. Barr; Leonard Kirk, Rob Davis; Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallot)

01	Dec 95	Ultimate Annual
"No time like the present" Cardassian agents covertly return to
Bajor to retreive an ancient artifact hidden when the occupation
came to an end. When touched, the artifact emits waves of
temporal distortion, creating disturbances across the Federation
and alerting the artifact's creators, an ancient race eager to
reclaim what was once their most feared weapon. Painted cover.
(Laurie Sutton; Leonard Kirk, Scott Reed, Saleem Crawford; Mark
"The Nagus's new clothes" The Grand Nagus arrives on DS9 for a
reception at Quark's, but his ceremonial robes have turned to
dust. Garak is hired to create new robes, but renegade Ferengi
bomb his shop, leaving only his holographic projector, which the
Nagus uses with mixed reviews.
(John Vornholt; Patrick Woodrow, Larry Welch;)
"Small victory" Worf helps Odo break up a brawl and accidentally
causes a small child to lose her pet cat somewhere on the
Promenade. Odo may not want Worf's help, but the child does.
(Mariano Nicieza; Anne Timmons, Scott Reed;)
Also contains a gallery of DS9 pinups.

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 5/9
Previous Document: [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Next Document: [Malibu Comics] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Specials

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM