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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 3/9
Section - [DC Comics] Star Trek (graphic novels)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 3/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (movie adaptations)
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Jul 92	Debt of honor
On several occasions during his career, Kirk encounters a
malevolant alien presence which he believes, threatens the
entire galaxy. Unable to gather sufficient evidence to convince
Starfleet of the threat, Kirk turns to Romulan and Klingon
commanders who share his concern. T'Cel (yet another old flame)
and Kor join forces with Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise to
combat an unimaginable foe. Dr. Gillian Taylor (ST IV: TVH) and
Lt. Jamie Finney ("Court-Martial") have featured roles. There
are numerous cameo appearances by characters from the television
series and many references to TOS and TNG lore, including Klingon
history. The story takes place following the events of ST IV: TVH.
Painted cover. ISBN 1-56389-023-2, oversize hardcover with dustjacket
(Chris Claremont; Adam Hughes, Karl Story; Dave Dorman)

Oct 92	Debt of honor
Reprints hardcover first edition
ISBN 1-56389-031-3 trade pb

May 95	The Ashes of Eden
Comic book adaptation of William Shatner's first Star Trek novel,
set after the events of ST V: TUC. Finding himself without a
ship, Kirk struggles with his future. Elsewhere, a doomed planet
sends a woman to find a hero and tales of a secret weapon on the
Klingon frontier reach interested ears. When Kirk turns his back
on his past he is suspected of treason and Starfleet orders Sulu
to hunt him down. With Sulu on Excelsior are Kirk's old crew.
Painted cover.
ISBN 1-56389-235-9, trade paperback
(William Shatner, Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens; Steve
Erwin, Jimmy Palmiotti; Nicholas Jainschigg)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 3/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (movie adaptations)
Next Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (collections)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM