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The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Section - And finally ...

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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: I don't understand this Duckworth/Lewis method.
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
 I must thank:

  Ron Knight - for being helpful to a fault. The faq 
  wouldn't be the same without his inputs. Him the man!

  Ian T  - for invaluable help with the Laws and scoring sections. 

  brangas - for the extensive help and thorough review.

  Edward Reid - for his advice and helping me get
  over my teething troubles in faq-maintainance. 

  Andy ( for the awesome broadcast list. 

  David Liverman - Cricinfo volunteer. 'nuff said. ;-)
  The Devil's Dictionary of Cricket -  Learned quite a bit
  from there. Visit them at 
  John P Darcy, H S Tikka, Matthew Van de Werken and everyone 
  else who took part in the draft discussion. 

  The many among the multitude who contacted me - irregardless 
  of their motives. ;-) 

  And last but most importantly: 
  Cameron Fraser, Donald Rose, ranthony, Jackie C, Kurt, 
  D W Shepherd, Ian Diddams, Mike Holmans, Arawak
  Grahame Giddings, Ned Lloyd, Robert Pollard, John Hall, 
  Mike Diddams, David Lawton, Andrew Dunford, Carol Jones, 
  Ken Wessen, Richard Walding, John P Darcy, Ron Knight, 
  Ian T, Jeff Tucker, H S Tikka, Matthew Van de Werken, 
  brangas, Fabian, Gwilym Davies, Peter Watkins, Jackie 
  Hewitt, Jane Phillips, Uday Rajan, Sridhar, RK, Dan, 
  Troubleshooter, David Liverman, Peter Holland, John 
  Charnock, Steve Shadbolt, Ian Sowman, Craig Motbey, 
  Samarth Harish Shah, Bob Dubery, Andy, Bill Irvine, 
  Alan R Tuffery, Terry Walsh, Grahame Menzies, Dianne 
  van Dulken,Susan Dobi, ...

  and everyone else whose excellent posts form the heart
  of this faq. 

  If you can improve upon any of the answers given then
  please take the time and trouble to do so.     
  I depend upon YOU to add your name to this distinguished
  list! Or contribute again! 
  Email me at
  P.S. Note change in email id.

The RSC And UKSC Cricket FAQ
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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: I don't understand this Duckworth/Lewis method.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM