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The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Section - How do I use the grip-applicator cone?

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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: How do I put the grip on the bat?
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  Your grip applicator should look like an elongated cone 
  about 12" - 15" long.  Place the grip over the cone and 
  progressively work it over the cone until it is rolled on 
  itself like a donut.  Place the large end of the cone on 
  the end of the bat handle and roll the rolled up grip past 
  where the cone touches the bat and now your grip is on the 
  bat but stilled rolled up.  Roll it down the bat handle 
  without unrolling the donut until the donut shaped grip is 
  near the blade junction and a bit is just spreading over the 
  spread of the splice to the blade.  Now unroll the grip 
  progressively back to the top of the handle. 

  At this point, your grip will be on the handle with the top 
  end extended over the top of the handle (rather like a foreskin). 
  Don't trim it yet. Holding the bat handle in both hands with the 
  blade down, tamp the end of the bat blade into a surface like a 
  carpet or firm grass so you distribute the grip evenly over the 
  handle.  Now, you can trim off the foreskin of rubber to the edge 
  of the handle. 

  If you don't get it right the first time, just roll the grip back 
  down to the blade into a donut again, re-position and roll it back. 
  You can do this over and over until you get it just right. 

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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: How do I put the grip on the bat?
Next Document: Is there a good online store to buy cricket equipment?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM