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The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Section - Wasn't Cricket once a part of the Olympics?

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Mike Holmans: 
  [Not really.] In 1900, the Olympics were nothing like what
  we have today.There was a great big festival in Paris that
  year, of which originally the 2nd modern Olympics were a 
  part, as well as some other sports tournaments held over 
  a period of several months. The Olympic mob saw a great
  way of expanding their appeal by declaring that all the
  sports being played in Paris that year were part of the
  Olympics and awarding medals to the winners. So there were
  several events which are recorded as having taken place at
  the 1900 Olympics which have never recurred, the cricket
  match featuring a touring club side from Devon and some
  local ex-pat Englishmen opposition, as "England" and
  "France" respectively, being one of them.

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Top Document: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Previous Document: What was that "whatashot"?
Next Document: 200 runs lead neeeded to enfore follow-on. Right?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM