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Section - 21. Periodicals

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Comments in this section are by Boris Beizer

1.  IEEE TSE (Transactions on Software Engineering).  Monthly.
    The most prestigious journal for testing stuff.  Volume 1 number 1
    published the landmark article by Goodenough and Gerhart.  Almost
    every issue since has had papers on testing and quality
    assurance.  I have all the issues back to V1 #1.  Much of that
    stuff is still relevant.

2.  ACM TOSEM (Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology).
    Quarterly.  Relatively new journal (1992).  Has prestigious
    editorial board.  Somewhat more theoretical than IEEE TSE.

3a. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes.  (from the Special Interest
    Group on Software Engineering).  Monthly.  Goes back to May 1976.
    This is the place where people publish stuff to stake out claims.
    It is not as strictly refereed as IEEE TSE or TOSEM, but some
    overview is provided to keep out the obvious crap.  Important because
    there is a two or three year waiting list for publication in IEEE SE
    or ACM TOSEM.  People who know this field read ACM SIGSOFT for
    advanced information on what will be published "officially" in IEEE
    SE and ACM TOSEM.  You read an article and contact the author
    directly for more information.

3b. ISSTA conference proceedings.  Annual.  (Known as TAV in the past --
    and possibly new name changes in the offing.)  ISSTA is the
    theoretical/academic conference devoted to testing.  This is the
    most prestigious place to publish new results in testing theory and
    software reliability theory.

4.  IEEE Software.  Six times a year.  Rarely the latest stuff.  More
    like surveys and overviews once a subfield has become established.
    Refereed, generally high standards.  Mostly overviews, but
    occasionally new stuff.

    Additional comments from Scott Killops:

        You might mention in your blurb about 'IEEE Software' the
        regular "Quality Time" feature.  This is wide ranging and
        generally quite useful.  I've often thought that a collection
        of all of the "Quality Time" articles published to date would
        make a worthwhile book.

5.  Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability.  Quarterly.
    International journal published by John Wiley and Sons.
    Prestigious international editorial board.  High quality original
    articles and excellent surveys.  Comparable in scope to IEEE TSE
    and ACM TOSEM, but sharply focused on testing, verification, and
    reliability.  ISSN 0960-0833.

        John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Professional, Reference and Trade Group
        605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012

6.  ACM Computing Surveys.  Quarterly.  Not specific to testing and QA,
    but contains the most prestigious survey articles in the field,
    typically only when a subfield is well established.  The authors are
    usually authorities.  Articles are long and comprehensive.  When an
    ACM Survey on a topic appears, it usually means that the field has
    matured to the point where it is possible to write meaningful books.

    Volume 29, #4, December 1997, contains the most comprehensive survey
    of testing research ever published--"Software Unit Test Coverage and
    Adequacy", Hong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall, and John H. R. May, pages
    366-427.  The bibliography contains 221 entries.  Anyone interested
    in understanding the technical/research literature of software
    testing should start with this survey.

7.  Communications of the ACM.  Monthly.  Survey articles and overviews.
    Sometimes (rarely) original stuff.  More academic and
    foundational/theory oriented than IEEE Software, but generally the
    same level.  Doesn't publish too much on testing.

8.  Cutter IT Journal (formerly American Programmer).  Monthly.
    Cutter Information Corp., 37 Broadway, Suite 1, Arlingon MA
    02474, phone 781-641-5118.  Private journal with prestigious
    editorial board.  Non-technical, philosophical and overviews.
    Management orientation.  Essentially a good newsletter.  

9.  Software Testing & Quality Engineering.  Bi-monthly.  Software
    Quality Engineering,, 800-423-8378, fax
    904-268-0733, phone 503-829-6806, <>.
    Formerly called Software QA magazine and Software QA Quarterly.

10. The Software Practitioner.  Newsletter, 6 times a year.
    Computing Trends, 1416 Sare Rd., Bloomington IN 47401.  Robert
    L. Glass - Editor-in-Chief,  Non technical,
    management, overviews.  Not too much on testing.

11. Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering.  6 times a
    year, free.  Software Technology Support Center, Ogden AFB UT 84056.
    801-777-8057.  Heavy DoD orientation.  Practitioner/Management/
    Philosophical.  Broad based on software engineering, including IV&V.>

12. Other journals.  I'm sure I've offended several editors.  There are
    journals concerned with testing, QA, and software engineering
    published in Japan, Korea, Germany, and Australia.  Other journals,
    such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on
    ACM OOPSLA, all publish material of interest to testing from time to
    time, especially insofar as hardware testing results and theory
    apply to software testing; also language issues vis-a-vis testing.

(end of Beizer's comments)

The American Society for Quality has begun publication of Software
Quality Professional.  This journal will span the
body of knowledge for the Certified Software Quality Engineer.

Commercial newsletters - the newsletters below are available for free to
potential customers and some provide very good technical content.

    Quality Techniques Newsletter (QTN), formerly Testing
    Techniques Newsletter (TTN).  Monthly, in electronic
    form only.  Software Research, Inc., 415-957-1441,
    800-942-SOFT.  Send "subscribe" in the body of a message

    The Payne Report,

    Tejas Software Consulting Newsletter, emailed monthly.  See
    <> for archives and to get a free

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