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SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -16- What database file formats can IRIS Performer read?

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Top Document: SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -15- Is there a IRIS Performer file format?
Next Document: -17- Is there an IRIS Inventor file reader for IRIS Performer?
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  Performer "2.0.2", 2.0.3, 2.0.4, and 2.1 add support of the
  following two formats, in addition to those available in Performer

     pfa:    IRIS Performer ASCII format developed by Rob Mace
     pfb:    IRIS Performer BINARY format (very fast) developed by Rob Mace

  IRIS Performer 2.0 and 2.0.1 contain direct import capabilities for:

     3ds:    AutoDesk 3DStudio binary data 
     bin:    Minor SGI format used by powerflip 
     bpoly:  Side Effects Software PRISMS binary 
     byu:    Brigham Young University CAD/FEA data 
     dwb:    Coryphaeus Software Designer's Workbench 
     dxf:    AutoDesk AutoCAD ASCII format 
     flt11:  MultiGen public domain Flight v11 format 
     flt14:  MultiGen OpenFlight v14 format 
     gds:    McDonnell-Douglas GDS things data 
     gfo:    Minor SGI format (radiosity output) 
     im:     Minor SGI format (IRIS Performer example) 
     irtp:   AAI/Graphicon Interactive Real-Time PHIGS 
     iv:     SGI OpenInventor / VRML 1.0 
     lsa:    Lightscape radiosity solutions (ASCII) 
     lsb:    Lightscape radiosity solutions (binary) 
     m:      University of Washington mesh data 
     medit:  Medit Productions medit modeling tool 
     nff:    Eric Haines' ray tracing test data format 
     obj:    Wavefront Technologies data format 
     post:   Minor SGI format (example gridded terrain loader) 
     phd:    Minor SGI format (polyhedra) 
     poly:   Side Effects Software PRISMS ASCII data 
     pts:    University of Washington point data 
     ptu:    Minor SGI format (IRIS Performer example) 
     s1k:    US ARMY SIMNET databases (Texas Instruments) 
     sgf:    US NAVY standard graphics format 
     sgo:    Minor SGI format 
     spf:    US NAVY simple polygon format 
     sponge: Sierpinski sponge 3D fractal generator 
     star:   Yale University compact star chart data 
     stla:   3D Structures Stereolithography (ASCII) 
     stlb:   3D Structures Stereolithography (binary) 
     sv:     Format of John Kichury's i3dm modeler 
     tri:    University of Minnesota Geometry Center data 
     unc:    University of North Carolina data 

  Several other file formats will be available via translators:

  via Acuris Corporation translators (to OpenInventor):
    iges        Old standard computer aided design interchange format
    alias       Alias Research animation system data
    3ds         AutoDesk 3DStudio
    obj         Wavefront Technologies OBJ format
    dxf         AutoDesk AutoCAD format
    softimage   Microsoft/Softimage animation system data

  via Clarus AB translators:
    step        New standard computer aided design interchange format
    vertigo     Vertigo animation system data

  via ViewPoint,, translators (to OpenInventor):
    3D Studio, BRender, Alias polyset, CAD-3D, CADL, DXF, Imagine,
    Inventor, LightWave objects and scenes, MovieBYU, Haines NFF,
    Sense8 NFF, POV-Ray, Pro/ENGINEER, Prisms, RAW, RenderWare,
    Sculpt, SGI spin, Soft F/X, stereolithography, StyleGuide,
    Swivel, GDS "things", trueSpace, Vertigo, Vista DEM, VideoScape
    and Wavefront formats.

  IRIS Performer 1.2 includes loading utilities and file loaders for:

      - The SGI .bin, .sgo, .gfo, .poly, and .ptu formats
      - IRIS Inventor's .iv format.
      - Coryphaeus' Software .dwb format.
      - Software Systems (MultiGen Inc) Version 11, 13, and 14 .flt
      - The SuperViewer .sv format used in I3DM
      - Lightscape Graphics Software's .lsa and .lsb formats
      - Autodesk's AutoCAD .dxf format
      - Miscellaneous formats (.gfo, .irtp, .stla, .stlb).

  For source code to loaders for MultiGen .flt versions greater than
  11, contact MultiGen, Inc at (408) 556-2600.

  IRIS Performer 1.0 and 1.1 include database loaders for MultiGen v11
  "flt", SGI "bin", and SGI "obj" formats.

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Top Document: SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -15- Is there a IRIS Performer file format?
Next Document: -17- Is there an IRIS Inventor file reader for IRIS Performer?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM