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SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -8- How can I write a program to create, edit, convert, or play movies? Where can I get a copy of the SGI Movie

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Next Document: -9- I can't use images exported with Moviemaker in any of my applications. What image format does Moviemaker use?
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Date: Thu May  2 16:33:54 PDT 1996

  The Digital Media Development Option contains the Video,
  Audio, Audio File, MIDI, CD, DAT, Movie, and Compression
  Libraries.  It allows you to perform tasks like these
  inside your application:

  - perform audio, video, MIDI I/O on SGI machines (including
    programming the IndyCam)

  - convert audio/video data between different formats
    (this includes software and hardware
    compression/decompression for audio and video)

  - read/write digital media file formats (SGI movie,
    QuickTime, AIFF/AIFF-C sound files)

  - read/write DAT audio tapes using SGI SCSI DAT drive, read
    CD audio disks using SGI SCSI CD drive.

  The part number for the Digital Media Development Option is
  SC4-DMDEV-2.0.   For releases prior to IRIX 6.2, if you would 
  like to develop applications which manipulate QuickTime files, 
  you must also order the companion product, QuickTime 1.0 Compressor 
  Library, part number SC4-QTCL-1.0.  The Digital Media Development 
  Option requires IRIX 5.2 or later (both part numbers above are
  for the IRIX 5.2 versions).

  In order to use the Digital Media Development Option, you
  also need to have IDO 5.2.  This is the basic IRIS
  developer option, including compilers, basic C library
  headers, graphics libraries, etc.

  In the United States, you can order these products by
  calling Silicon Graphics toll-free at 1-800-800-SGI1
  (1-800-800-7441).  If you live in a country other than the
  United States, contact your nearest Silicon Graphics
  office, or call one of these regional telephone numbers:

  Europe		(41) 22-798.75.25 	(Geneva, CH)
  North Pacific		(81) 3-5420.71.10
  South Pacific		(61) 2-879.95.00
  Latin America		1(415) 390.46.37
  Canada		1(416) 625-4747

  Starting with IRIX 5.3, the Digital Media Development
  Environment has been included as a standard piece of IDO,
  and you no longer need to order it separately.  However,
  the QuickTime 1.0 Compressor Library remains a separate
  product in IRIX 5.3.

  Starting with WebForce 1.1 (and including IRIX 6.2), the
  QuickTime codecs have been moved into the CL, so the
  QuickTime 1.0 Compressor Library option is no longer needed.

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