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SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -34- I simply want to create a JPEG-compressed movie which is compatible with the Cosmo Compress board. I don't want

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Top Document: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -33- I want to write a program which can create a JPEG- compressed movie file compatible with the Cosmo Compress
Next Document: -35- I want to capture a still image from video using a shell script. The Capture tool doesn't seem to be appropriate
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                to write my own program.  How do I do this?
Date: Thu May  2 16:47:44 PDT 1996

  In IRIX 5.3, there are three ways to do this:

  1) Use the dmrecord utility to record live video from the Galileo
  or Indy Video options.

  2) Use the Capture tool to record live video from the Galileo
  or Indy Video options.

  3) Use the makemovie utility to generate a cosmo-compatible movie
  from a collection of still images.  Here is an excerpt from the
  manual page:

    To make an odd interlaced, 640x480, JPEG compressed movie with
    top-to- bottom orientation (of the sort that can be played back on
    the Cosmo compression board) from image files img1.rgb, img2.rgb,
    and img3.rgb:

    makemovie -o -c jpeg -s 640,480 -i odd -t \
		 img1.rgb img2.rgb img3.rgb

  In IRIX 6.2, you should use the dmconvert utility to accomplish this
  task.  (makemovie has been retained as a compatibility layer atop
  dmconvert).  See the manual page for dmconvert.

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