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SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -3- I cannot play a QuickTime movie created on a Silicon Graphics computer on my Macintosh. How can I make it

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Top Document: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -2- I cannot play a QuickTime movie on my Silicon Graphics computer. How can I make it work?
Next Document: -4- What version of QuickTime does Silicon Graphics support?
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Date: Thu Feb 16 15:37:32 PST 1995

  When going from an SGI to a Mac, the file must have a creator and
  file type.  This can be done in "ResEdit".

  To move a file to the Mac...

  1. Save the file in a QuickTime format.  See elsewhere in this FAQ
     for more details on how to create QuickTime files.
  2. Move the file to a Mac (using the floptical, or ftp).

     NOTE:  If using ftp, make sure the mode is binary, *not* macbinary

  3. Open the Mac program "ResEdit".

  4. Select "Get File info..." from File menu.

  5. Type "MooV" into file type field, and "TVOD" into creator field.

  6. Close dialog (Choose Yes to save changes).

  7. Quit "ResEdit".

  It should just work from here.

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Top Document: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -2- I cannot play a QuickTime movie on my Silicon Graphics computer. How can I make it work?
Next Document: -4- What version of QuickTime does Silicon Graphics support?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM