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SGI audio Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -12- I'd like to write my own audio programs. How do I get started?

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Previous Document: -11- What 3rd party audio solutions exist for Silicon Graphics machines?
Next Document: -13- How can I get the keyboard beep out line out/digital out on Indigo2?
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Date: 26 Aug 1995 00:00:01 EST

  First, you need the IRIS Development Option (IDO). With IDO
  you get the Digital Media Development software (libraries for
  audio, video, compression, MIDI, and movie development).

  There is audio example code in the ~4Dgifts/examples/dmedia/audio
  directory. There you will find code demonstrating the use of
  libaudio and libaudiofile. You will also find a number
  of examples showing the combination of audio and graphical user
  interface (Motif) widgets.

  In the dmedia/cd+dat directory are example programs showing the
  use of libcdaudio and libdataudio.

  In the off chance that you are using IRIX 5.2 and cannot upgrade
  to 5.3, read the information below.

  Audio Development on IRIX 5.2 systems:

  First, for 5.2 systems you need the Digital Media Development
  Option.  From Michael Portuesi (

  The Digital Media Development Option contains the Video, Audio, Audio
  File, MIDI, CD, DAT, Movie, and Compression Libraries for your
  digital media programming enjoyment.

  The part number for the Digital Media Development Option is
  SC4-DMDEV-2.0.   If you would like to develop applications which
  manipulate QuickTime files, you must also order the companion
  product, QuickTime 1.0 Compressor Library, part number SC4-QTCL-1.0.

  In the United States, you can order these products by calling Silicon
  Graphics toll-free at 1-800-800-SGI1 (1-800-800-7441).  If you live
  in a country other than the United States, contact your nearest
  Silicon Graphics office, or call one of these regional telephone

  Europe                  (41) 22-798.75.25       (Geneva, CH)
  North Pacific           (81) 3-5420.71.10
  South Pacific           (61) 2-879.95.00
  Latin America           1(415) 390.46.37
  Canada                  1(416) 625-4747

  For audio, example code is contained in ~4Dgifts/examples/libaudio.
  This example code comes with the DMDEV option. (For IRIX 5.3, the
  digital media libraries are part of the IRIS Development Option
  (IDO).)  Other code demonstrating the use of the CD and DAT audio
  libraries can be found in a 'tar' file at

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Top Document: SGI audio Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -11- What 3rd party audio solutions exist for Silicon Graphics machines?
Next Document: -13- How can I get the keyboard beep out line out/digital out on Indigo2?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM