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SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -40- How can I generate IRIX 4.0.x-compatible executables under IRIX 5.x?

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Top Document: SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -39- Where's 'edge' in IRIX 5.x? What can I use instead?
Next Document: -41- How can I convert IRIX 4.0.x executables to IRIX 5.x?
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Date: 06 Apr 1996 00:00:01 EST

  Strictly speaking, you can't. Many things changed in IRIX 5.x. You
  can, however generate executables in COFF (IRIX 4.0.x) format instead
  of ELF (IRIX 5.x) format, and these will often work on IRIX 4.0.x if
  they don't use complex things like multiprocessing. The manual and
  release notes describe how, and here's a summary:

  1) Make sure you've installed all of the appropriate irix4
     compatibility subsystems. These include irix4_eoe, irix4_dev,
     irix4_c and others for Motif, Inventor, etc.

  2) setenv SGI_IRIX4 1

  3) If your source uses explicit paths to headers, libraries, etc.,
     change them to point to the irix4 versions.

  4) Use cc or make or whatever as you normally would.

  You can't do this in IRIX 6.2., which doesn't support COFF at all.

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Top Document: SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -39- Where's 'edge' in IRIX 5.x? What can I use instead?
Next Document: -41- How can I convert IRIX 4.0.x executables to IRIX 5.x?

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