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SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -95- Why does timed say "bind: Cannot assign requested address"?

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Top Document: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -94- I just edited /etc/inittab, and now I can't start up or shut down my SGI! What's wrong?
Next Document: -96- Why does "ALERT: i2cWaitForXferDone: Xfer Done timeout ERROR" appear in my SYSLOG?
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Date: 29 Oct 1994 00:00:01 EST

  timed is incompatible with the rld which comes with patchSG0000023,
  which is needed for DeltaCC. There are two solutions to this problem
  (thanks to Alan Davis <>):

  - Get a new timed from SGI.

  - Replace the following line in /etc/init.d/network.options (line 664
    in an unmodified IRIX 5.2 file)

    /usr/etc/timed -M `cat $CONFIG/timed.options 2> /dev/null` &


    env _RLD_ARGS="-clearstack" /usr/etc/timed `cat $CONFIG/timed.options 2> /dev/null` &

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