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Section - Q3.5. Discussion mailing lists

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
A number of individual service clubs have their own specific mailing
lists.  Some may even have separate regional and local mailing lists,
and/or announcement vs. discussion vs. social mailing lists.  If you
are currently a member of a service club, you should check with
officers, from the local level to regional to central, to see if this
form of communication is being used.  If you are not currently a
member of a particular service club, you may or may not be able to
join particular mailing lists -- policies will differ on this.

Mailing lists which follow are alphabetized by mailing list address or
service group name.

APO-L: email listserv@purccvm.bitnet with "SUBSCRIBE APO-L FirstName
    LastName" in the body of the message.  "APO-L: For Alpha Phi
    Omega, a service oriented fraternity which has chapters on many
    campuses in the United States.  The list will provide an
    opportunity for members to compare notes on their chapters,
    discuss organizational issues and communicate with members at
    distant chapters.  APO-L is an unofficial list and the postings
    reflect the opinions of individuals and not the official policy of
    Alpha Phi Omega.  The list does not take the place of normal lines
    of communication within the the fraternity."

    FirstName LastName" in the body of the message.  This is a mailing
    list for Alpha Phi Omega members to engage in social discussions.

Boston-cares: email with "subscribe
    boston-cares" in the body of the message.  "Boston-cares is an
    e-mail group dedicated to information and discussion about our
    Greater Boston community, for all who are concerned about hunger,
    poverty, homelessness, violence and hopelessness.  It will not
    focus on politics or social activism, but on personal, positive
    action.  Especially welcome will be news and ideas for all types
    of community service, from long term volunteer commitments to
    special projects.  Announcements from local community service
    groups are especially welcome."

Circle K International: email "your full name, e-mail address, club,
    title and district to ''.  This list
    is maintained by a human, so please do not send any listserv
    commands."  "Purpose: For members and alumni to discuss matters
    relating to the operation of Circle K International."

CKI-L: email with "SUBSCRIBE CKI-L FirstName
    LastName" in the body of the message.  "CKI-L is an open list for
    the discussion of issues relating to running a chapter of Circle-K
    International and college level service club activities, e.g.
    service projects, fundraising, member recruitment and retention."

    YourName" in the body of the message.  Online discussion group
    for (professional) volunteer program managers.

Interact On-line: email with "SUBSCRIBE
    INTERACT FirstName LastName" in the body of the message.  This
    mailing list enables teens all over the world to discuss their
    Interact projects and establish friendships.

JAYCEE-L: email with your name, chapter, and a
    brief profile of yourself, requesting a subscription.

    FirstName LastName" in the body of the message.  "KIWANIS is an
    open list for the discussion of issues relating to running a
    chapter of Kiwanis International, e.g. service projects,
    fundraising, member recruitment and retention.  Real slow list.
    YOU can make a difference by starting a discussion."

Leos-Global: email with "subscribe
    leos-global FirstName LastName" in the body of the message.

Rotaract: email with "subscribe rotaract <your email
    address>" in the body of the message.  "We all have a great
    organization which we can all help to become synonymous with
    community and professional service to the world.  Many projects
    are attempted by various clubs, but the experiences and lessons
    are not shared, to benefit the others. There are now projects that
    need to have inter-action between all, world-wide, for example,
    the Malaria Project that Rotaract has taken on, to fight the
    spread of this disease."

Rotaract: email
    with "subscribe" in the body of the message.  Archives available
    "Purpose: Discussion related to the Rotaract service organization,
    affiliated with Rotary International. For asking questions,
    solving problems, or just making & contacting Rotaract friends
    worldwide.  Also open to Rotarians, Interactors, Ambassadorial
    Scholars and Group Study Exchange team members."

Rotary: email and include the
    word "SUBSCRIBE ROTARY firstname lastname districtnumber" in the
    body of the message.

Rotary chat: email and include the
    word "SUBSCRIBE ROTACHAT firstname lastname districtnumber" in
    the body of the message.

Round Table: email and include the
    phrase "subscribe roundtable" in the body of the message.

    VOLUNTEERS FirstName LastName" in the body of the message.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM