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Section - Q2.14. Kiwanis (also: What is Keys, What is Builders Club)

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     Kiwanis International is a worldwide club for community leaders
founded in 1915.
     Kiwanis offers an opportunity for personal involvement in the
leadership and improvement of the community, the nation and the world.
While service is what Kiwanians are known for, their club offers much
more.  Meetings and projects provide fellowship -- fellowship that is
sincere and lasting.
     Since its founding in 1915, the organization has grown to about
9,000 clubs in more than 80 nations.  Nearly a third of a million
Kiwanians are helping to improve people's lives on every continent --
from Canada to Colombia; from Austria to Australia; from Tunisia to
the Republic of China.
     Kiwanians are engaged in education, government, banking,
marketing, agriculture, international trade, non-profit organizations,
and many other fields.  They are corporate officers, managers,
small-business owners, and self-employed professionals.  They are
young individuals embarking on careers, successful executives and
active retirees.
     "Young Children: Priority One" is the Kiwanis program that places
continuing focus on projects addressing the needs of children in
pediatric trauma, safety, child care, early development, infant
health, nutrition and parenting skills.
     The typical Kiwanis club plans numerous projects each year that
focus on the special needs of the community.  They include fighting
substance abuse, helping the elderly, promoting literacy, supporting
youth sports and other projects involving children or persons in need.
     Kiwanis also provides leadership opportunities in community
service for youth.  Local clubs sponsor Builders Clubs in middle
schools.  In high schools and colleges, Key Club and Circle K are the
largest service organizations of their kind in the world today.
     The headquarters of Kiwanis International is 3636 Woodview Trace,
Indianapolis, IN 46268.  They may be contacted at 1-800-KIWANIS.

[Source: membership brochure of Kiwanis International.]

Key Club is the high-school level of the K-Family (a level shared by
Keywannettes in certain states in the USA) and has an extensive
International Structure that parallels that of Kiwanis International
with presence in around a dozen to a score countries.

Builders Club is the Junior High School/Middle School branch of the
K-Family.  It is the newest and has a fairly limited structure above
the club level, as far as I know.

[Source: (Andrew Viertel).]

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM