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Section - Q2.2. Altrusa

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What is Altrusa?

Altrusa is an international, volunteer service organization of
business and professional leaders, classified by occupation, dedicated
to improving their communities by personal service.  Through their
local Altrusa Clubs, members unite their varied talents in service to
others, achieving as a group what individuals cannot do alone.
Altrusa Clubs develop and fund specific service projects to meet
community needs.  Altrusa is recognized nationally and internationally
for the significant contributions of its clubs and members.

Altrusa Tradition

Altrusa was founded in April, 1917, in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A, as
the "Altrusa Institute" for business and professional women.  Under
the leadership of Mamie L. Bass, later to be the association's first
president, Altrusa became the "first" national service organization
for women committed to a philosophy of service and personal
achievement.  With extension into Mexico in 1935, Altrusa achieved an
international scope.  Growth has continued, and today, clubs can be
found in countries throughout the world.  In 1987, Altrusa opened its
membership to men.  Altrusa took an early leadership position by
developing innovative programs in vocational guidance and public
education.  The organization continues to adapt its programs and
projects to meet current community needs.

How Altrusa Works for You

Each club has its own board of directors, a strong committee system
and regular meetings, allowing every member to become personally
involved in club projects and decisions.  Altrusa Clubs are organized
into geographic Districts, each with its own governing body and
offering annual conferences, workshops, and leadership training
seminars for all members.  Altrusa International unites its more than
500 clubs in a common goal of community service.  The International
Program sets the theme for Altrusa, world-wide, and the organization
provides clubs with program guides and materials to assist them in
fulfilling their objectives.  Every member receives the international
publications, and a wide variety of literature, manuals and materials
to support club activities is available from the International Office.
A full line of official Altrusa supplies is also offered, designed for
public relations activities and to build pride in membership.  An
International Convention is held every two years.  Members from
throughout the world conduct the business of the organization, elect
officers, recognize individual and club achievement and participate in
workshops on community service, club administration and leadership

What Can Altrusa Offer You?

o An opportunity to use your time and talent to enrich the lives of others
o Lasting friendships and a spirit of fellowship
o Personal leadership development as you assume positions of
  responsibility in your club, or serve at the district and
  international levels
o A unique opportunity to work with local civic and volunteer groups
  on service projects of lasting benefit
o Stimulating programs and speakers that broaden your knowledge on
  scores of subjects
o Personal contacts that evolve when business and professional people
  meet and work together toward common goals
o A forum for exchanging ideas about your community and the world
o The satisfaction that comes from being involved in activities that
  will make your community a better place to live

[Source: extracted from Altrusa International brochure.]

National organization contact address:
	Altrusa International, Inc.
	332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1123
	Chicago, Illinois 60604

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM