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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting Around the World Pt. 1 (FAQ 8)
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The Singapore Scouting Association

The Scout promise in singapore
I promise that I'll do my best,
to do my duty to god and to the republic of singapore to help other
people and to keep the Scout law.


Subject: Scouting in Slovenia

Programme for different age ranges (branches):

Cub Scouts - boys and girls (age 7-11)

By The Jungle Book everything happens in the framework of happy family
and through a joyful game. However, we are not playing our imaginary
world, but we live it. By playing, which is the basic element of our
work, we try to attain the objects of the annual programme, of the
individual's personal growth, resposibility, and serving. The youngest
members have a special Promise and Law to suit their age. They practice
in group of six, united in a Pack, which is led by Akela and the
assistants (Baghira, Baloo, Kaja...)

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides (age 11 - max. 16)

The members carrying out their activities in Patrols (6 - 9 of the same
sex) in the progressive process of education, which is divided into five
upbringing stages, attain all the objects of the Scout education. The
fundamental method of work consists in adopting the way of adveture and
selfeducation - on the basis of democratic decisions made at the Troop
Council - as one's own attitude towards aducation and life. The Troop
Leader's role is to arrange the way out of the members initiatives, and
partly out of their own, as companions, as older brothers. After having
travelled over the first stage, boys and girls make the Scout Promise.
After having passed the whole process, or at the age of 16, they may
pass to the higher branch. Their education is based on small groups of
the same sex, led by one of them, and founded upon adventure,
ambientation, technical skills and life in the nature.

Rovers and Rangers (age 16 - max. 21)

The Branch is divided into two parts. During the first part, the
Novitiate, young people in groups of boys and girls first ao all learn
to live together. Now, they must live as young men and women. Special
emphasis is laid od the community and on challenges, which can be of
different kinds - from tramping to disputing.

The second part is the life in Clan, which has just like branch Boy
Scouts and Girl Guides - a vertical structure and two Leaders. If
possible we try to provide for their own Spiritual Assistant. Three
elements are amphasized: the process, community and serving. The man
departure is being educated. At the age of 21 he will be able to make
decisions of his own as a man or woman. For this purpose the following
educational elements are used: simplicity, living together, respect for
one another in mixed groups, and personal serving, which is voluntary,
individual, unpaid work for benifit of others. At the end of this
process each member writes a letter of departure commiting
himself/herself to live either as Scout of Guide for certain period of
time without help of community or as Leader in the Associatiion, or to
work in humanitarian insitutions or in politics.

As we are in stage of abnormal growth, special programme directions for
particular groups are not catered for. As an association we are aware of
the fact that we have to be open to all. This is our standpoint when
accepting new members. We put no limits to anyone because he or she is
different. Therefore in the groups there are persons who are different
(disabled, unbelivers etc.). Our international relations are quite
intense, yet we are mainly users, as we are trying togather as much
experience of others, we try to integrate them into our Scouting. We
intensively cooperate with AGESCI and also with other Scout Associations
(Poland, Spain, Austira, Ireland...) Particular attention is paid to the
training of new leaders in order to set up the operation of our
Association - and of its every Branch - in the most accomplished
possible way, and as much autenthically to our Founder's bases, to the
age of our members, and to our environmental conditions as possible.

We are among the members of MSS - Slovenia, which has been founded after
democratic changes in 1991. We have assumed the responsibility of
carrying out some tasks for the benifit of young people in Slovenia. We
are included in the Civil Protection organization in case of disasters
or other misfourtunes. We cooperate with the Church and with local
communities that are just arising at present.

The programme is always based on the analysis of our environment.
Moreover, we try to answer the needs of our surroundings with our
initiatives, programmes, and with our work. Thus our activities are
closely connected with our life in concrete circumstances. In spite of
all our initial difficulties, which we admit and are aware of, the
activity of our Association echoes far and wide, and sometimes it
resounds even more than wished. But we alwalys try to do our best in
accordance with Scout slogan.

User Contributions:

Nathan Read
That was very informative it was also very nice I learned a lot.

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