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[rec.scouting.*] Unit Administration (FAQ 12)
Section - BSA Cub Pack Administration - Budget

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Unit Administration (FAQ 12)
Previous Document: On-Line Forms and Publications
Next Document: Cub Pack Administration - Budget
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>We are trying to set up a budget.  Our question is how much to charge the boys?
>How do other packs handle initial fees and dues?  How much is dues?  Why?
Our pack charges $20 per year. Den dues are left up to the discretion of the
Den Leaders. My sons paid $3 per month regardless of the number of meetings
that were held, so when my husband and I became Den Leaders we kept this
rate. We have one fundraiser each January which raises a minimum of $900.
I believe that our sponsor (church group) pays something, but I have no
idea what or how much, sorry.

The $20 covers "Boys Life". One parent objected that they didn't need two
copies but there was a difference of opinion between parent and Cubmaster;
I don't know how it was settled. The den dues for the two years we have
been leaders has been sufficient to cover all expenses for a Wolf den and
a Bear den. It has worked well for us: one meeting a month is spent making
something tangible that the boys can give away or show off to other scouts.
In fact, since my husband and I each had left-over supplies from various
projects at home, both years we have had enough money in the den treasury
at year end to buy the meat for a den/family cookout.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Unit Administration (FAQ 12)
Previous Document: On-Line Forms and Publications
Next Document: Cub Pack Administration - Budget

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM