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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Section - Skit - THE LIGHTHOUSE.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - THE SLEEP WALKER
Next Document: Skit - SARGE AND THE PRIVATE
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cast:  1    narrator
       3-6  Scouts for the lighthouse walls
       3-6  leaders, counselors, kitchen staff, etc., number to equal
            the Scouts and will be 'recruited' during the skit
       1    flashlight, or 2 if using 5-6 Scouts

Scouts stand in a circle, facing out, feet spread 2' - 3' apart
but touching feet of Scouts on each side.  The flashlight is held
at eye level and is passed around the circle.  Scouts stand tall
and hold the beacon's beam steady.
Narrator: "Many years ago the people of a seaside village built
a lighthouse to warn approaching ships of a dangerous shoal near
their harbor.  It's beacon could be seen for miles, even in fog
and storms.  For many decades, the lighthouse stood firm and give
safe passage to all who sailed by the village.
But as the years went by, the villagers grew old and so
did the lighthouse.  The villagers could no longer make repairs,
the ocean's waves wore away the foundation, the lighthouse started
to sag and failed at its duty."
The Scouts now stoop, heads lean to the side and bend their knees
slightly; the light 'travels' a zig-zag path around.

Narrator: "When the schooners and square riggers started to go
aground on the shoals, the old villagers knew they had to call
in experienced people to help with their problem.  People who
were pillars in their own communities and who were solid as a rock."

Recruit your favorite 'I'm gonna get you now' people and instruct
them to go down on their hands an knees and into the walls.
Leaders are facing in with their derrieres out, and are straddled
by the Scouts who again stand tall and give a steady light.

Narrator: "Now with these new rocks placed into the foundation,
the lighthouse once again shines a bright beacon and stands firm
in the stormy surf to withstand the pounding of the waves."

Scouts drop the flashlight and then hand paddle the leaders.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - THE SLEEP WALKER
Next Document: Skit - SARGE AND THE PRIVATE

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM