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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Section - What is the purpose of the web site?

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The first step when trying to accomplish any task is to decide why you
are doing it and what you want to accomplish. What is the reason for
this Web site? To put information that the members of your unit can
access? To brag about your Unit? To list other scouting sites that
are interesting and useful? To let your community know about your
Scouting program? These and many other things can be accomplished by
a Web site.

Remember that the World Wide Web is a resource.  It can be used
for communicating with the members of your unit, such as the calendar 
of upcoming events or reminders for specific activities.  Or it can 
provide information to people in your community who would like to 
find out if there is a Scouting program they can join.  It can provide 
links to non-Scouting sites that may be useful in planning trips and 
other activities for your unit, such as the weather report or maps and 
trail information.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: Are there WWW pages about Scouting ?
Next Document: What software do I need ?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM