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[rec.scouting.usa] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 4) Part 1
Section - 4.1.13 BSA -- Unauthorized or restricted activities

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.usa] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 4) Part 1
Previous Document: 4.1.12 BSA -- Cub Scouting - Cub Scouts and Webelos Camping
Next Document: 4.1.14 BSA -- District and Council Volunteer Scouters
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A.     The following activities have been declared unauthorized and
   restricted by the Boy Scouts of America:
     * All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) -- unauthorized.
     * Boxing, karate, and related martial arts -- unauthorized.
     * Chainsaws and mechanical log splitters (trained and over the age of 
     * Exploration of abandoned mines -- unauthorized.
     * Varsity football teams and interscholastic or club football
        -- unauthorized.
     * Fireworks secured, used, or displayed in conjunction with program
       and activities is unauthorized except where the fireworks display
       is conducted under the auspices of a certified or licensed
       fireworks control expert.
     * The selling of fireworks as a fundraising or money-earning
        activity by any group acting for or on behalf of members, units,
       or districts may not be authorized by councils.
     * Flying in hang gliders, ultralights, experimental class aircraft,
       hot-air balloons, parachuting, and flying in aircraft as part of a
       search and rescue mission -- unauthorized.
     * Motorized go-carts and motorbike activities are unauthorized for
       Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs. All motorized speed events,
       including motorcycles, boats, drag racing, demolition derbies, and
       related events, are not authorized activities for any program
     * Participation in amateur or professional rodeo events  -- 
     * The activity commonly referred to as "War Games"--in which
       individuals shoot paint or dye at one another-- -- unauthorized.
     * Hunting is not an authorized Cub Scout or Boy Scout activity
     * Motorized personal watercraft, such as jet-skis -- unauthorized.
     * Except for very specific cases firearms should not be in the
       possession of any person engaged in camping, hiking, backpacking,
       or any other Scouting activity other than those specifically
       planned for target shooting under the supervision of a certified
       firearms instructor. (Among the purposes of this policy is to
       prohibit adult leaders from bringing firearms on BSA camping and
       hiking activities or to unit meetings.)
     * Parasailing, or any activity in which a person is carried aloft by
      a parachute, parasail, kite, or other device towed by a motorboat
       or by any other means, is unauthorized.
     * All activities related to bungee cord jumping (sometimes called
       shock cord jumping) are unauthorized.
     *  Use of Carbon tetrachloride

The BSA policy is stated in the Guide to Safe Scouting, which
is available at your scout shop.
An unofficial on-line version is at:

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.usa] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 4) Part 1
Previous Document: 4.1.12 BSA -- Cub Scouting - Cub Scouts and Webelos Camping
Next Document: 4.1.14 BSA -- District and Council Volunteer Scouters

Part1 - Part2 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM