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[rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Section - I heard Wiccan's can't be BSA Scouts, is it true?

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Previous Document: What is the position of the WOSM as related to God and
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Date: 31 Oct 2002

There are Wiccans in the BSA and there are Wiccan Scouts.   There is not
a recognized national religious emblem for Wicca.   The reason, according
to BSA spokesman Gregg Shields, to is:   "religious emblems =
are the property of approved religious scouting organizations and are 
awarded at
their own discretion. For example, he said the National Catholic Council
on Scouting and the National Jewish Committee on Scouting each have their
own unique religious emblem."   "There is no national Wiccan organization,"
Shields said. "So, that's why there is no religious award for Wiccans."
"He encouraged any Wiccan group that would like to charter a troop in their
community to submit an application to their local BSA council for
Michael L. Betsch,   Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Previous Document: What is the position of the WOSM as related to God and
Next Document: Are there any councils that ignore BSA policies?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM