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[rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Section - Can a BSA Scout participate in a Political Event

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Date: 8/4/00

The question of Scouts at a political event comes up every time there
campaigns.   My understanding is that the policy is that it is OK for
to perform
patriotic duties (like a flag ceremony) at a political campaign, but
cannot be
seen endorsing a candidate or handing out political fliers.

Scouts are often seen with candidates of all political parties
flag ceremonies.
They should not be seen cheering on the candidate.

The policy is:
Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Art. IX, =A72, cl. 2

clause 2.

"The officers and leaders of the Boy Scouts of America shall, when
praciticable, cooperate in connection with civic or other public
of a nonpartisan and nonpolitical character which gives Cub Scouts, Boy
Scouts and Explorers [Ventures] an opportunity to render service in
with their training instead of merely taking part in parades or making a
show of themselves in their uniforms."

clause 6.

" The Boy Scouts of America shall not, through its governing body or
any of its officers, its chartered Councils, or members, involve the
Scouting movement in any question of a political character.   However,
shall not be interpreted to prevent the teaching of patrotism and good
citizenship as required to fulfill the Corporation's purpose.   This
shall also not limit the freedom of thought or action of any official or
member as an individual."

Cub Scout Leader's Manual:
Chapter 7:   Uniform Rules and Regulations
   "The uniform may not be worn by either Cub Scouts or adult
leaders when: Involved in any distinctly political endeavor."

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM