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[rec.scouting.*] Leader Hints (FAQ 13)
Section - Cub-A-Ree Ideas (USA)

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One of the districts in my council is having its first Cub-A-Ree.
Here is a description of the stations:

Station 1: Citizenship
   Part 1:  Den conducts flag ceremony of its choice - up to 5 points
            awarded for correct etiquette, originality & overall
   Part 2: Den selects 5 questions to answer on citizenship & national
           heritage from 10 sealed questions. (1 pt. per correct answer)
    Beads:  Gold  9-10 pts,    Blue 6-8 pts,    Red under 6 pts

Station 2: Knots
            (square, bowline, clovehitch, sheet bend, & taughtline hitch)
           Station leader asks 5 boys to tie one knot each.  If a boy is
           not assigned a knot, he may help Scouts who have been assigned.
   Scoring: 2 pts for each knot completed in a 2 min. period
    Beads:  Gold  10 pts,    Blue  6 or 8 pts,  Red  under 6 pts

Station 3: Rope Toss
           The den has a 20 ft. rope and has 3 tosses to hit a graduated
   Scoring: 10 pts (Gold bead) if best throw hits within 2-ft square
             8 pts (Blue bead) if best throw hits within 4-ft square
             6 pts (Blue bead) if best throw hits within 6-ft square
             2 pts (Red bead) if best throw hits outside of square

 Station 4: First Aid and Safety Message Game
            Station leader presents 5 first aid and safety situations
            to the den, in sequence.  Den has 1 min. for each situation
            to reply to each situation and/or demonstrate appropriate
            technique to use.  (2 pts per correct answer)
   Beads:   Gold  10 pts,   Blue  6-8 pts,   Red  under 6 pts

 Station 5: Obstacle Course
            Entire den runs course consisting of a tire, rope swing, pylon
            run, and ramp climb.  Each Cub timed and the average for the
            den determined.
   Scoring: Average time up to 60 sec.     10 pts -- Gold Bead
            Average time 60 - 90 sec.       8 pts -- Blue Bead
            Average time over 90 sec.       6 pts -- Red Bead

 Station 6: Nature Trail
            Station leader presents den with a list of 10 items to point
            out on the nature trail.  When they find an item, they point
            it out to the station leader. Max. time on trail -- 5 min.
   Scoring: 1 pt per item.  Gold  9 - 10 pts, Blue  5 - 8 pts,  Red under 5 pts

 Station 7: Rain Gutter Regatta
            In relay fashion, 3 Scouts selected by their den blow a walnut
            shell boat the length of a 10 ft. gutter.
   Scoring: Based on how fast it takes to complete the task.  Exact times
            will be determined and be available at the station.
            Ratings: "Hydroplane" ----- 10 pts. ---- Gold
                     "Motorboat"     5 - 8 pts. ---- Blue
                     "Rowboat"    under  5 pts. ---- Red

 Station 8: Marble Shooting Contest
            A range set up consisting of a 5-ft. diameter circle with 13
            marbles placed in center-cross fashion.  Rotating shots, each
            den has 3 min. to shoot as many marbles out of the ring as
   Scoring: 11 - 13 marbles knocked out = 10 pts ---- Gold bead
             6 - 10    "       "     "  =  7 pts ---- Blue bead
             0 -  5    "       "     "  =  5 pts ---- Red bead

 Station 9: Uniforms
            Points awarded to the den based on the uniforming of
            participating den members.
   Scoring: All Scouts wearing proper shirt & neckerchief -- 10 pts - Gold
            1/2 or more wearing proper shirt & neckerchief -  6 pts - Blue
            Less that 1/2 wearing proper shirt @ neckerchief  2 pts - Red

Station 10: Skit Competition
            At 4:00, the dens should gather at the pavillion area to
            present their skits.  Each den has 3 min. to put on their skit.
            Points awarded on originality, style, content & presentation.
   Scoring: Up to 10 pts. as determined by the judge.
            Gold Bead -  8 - 10 pts, Blue -  4 - 7 pts, Red -  0 - 3 pts

Note: Dens (2 or more boys).  Games are a DEN effort.  Stations are geared
      so that it takes TEAM effort.  All station activities taken from the
      Wolf, Bear, & Webelos Handbooks. (Their statement - our ideas could
      have other sources!)
      Although there is no limit to the number of boys in a den, it is
      recommended that dens be in the 8 boy range.  Larger dens could
      be split into two dens for the competition so all boys are able
      to participate in the contests.

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