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alt.romance "FAQ" (part 2 of 3) [posted monthly]
Section - #D# Breaking up

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 From: (Lisa Dominique)  @}-,-`-- @}-,-`-- @}-,-`--
 subject: Staying friends after breaking up

One of the biggest factors in breaking up and still staying
friends, is that you _both_ need to be sincere and honest
about the breakup with each other, and you _both_ want to
sincerely stay friends.  If one wants friendship, and the
other is still bitter, problems will evolve, and that's
a certainty.  If, by chance, this happens, the person
who wanted to stay friends can at least know within themselves
that they made a sincere effort.

I think, or this is something I have learned, that it
is very important, after breaking up with someone, to let
yourself "grieve" the loss for a reasonable amount of time,
get the feelings out instead of holding it inside you, which
can cause major problems.  Try to focus on finding peace
and serenity within yourself by coming to terms with the
reality of your situation....  How do you _really_ feel
in your heart??  If you want to try to be friends with
your ex-SO, then make your efforts, and if you continue
to get emotionally and/or verbally rejected, then at
least you tried.  You have to live with yourself forever,
ya know....  **wink**     Be True To Yourself....  **smile**

Hope this helped you some....

Secretary to the President of the
Romantic Fire Association

p.s.  Heaven is a *hug* and a *smile*
        **hugs**   :-)

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Top Document: alt.romance "FAQ" (part 2 of 3) [posted monthly]
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM