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APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Section - [FAQ 4.6] How do I chain cypherpunk remailers?

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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Previous Document: [FAQ 4.5] Can't the last remailer's remop read my message?
Next Document: [FAQ 4.7] Can I use mail2news gateways to post anonymously?
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Summary: Encrypt each Anon-To within the previous remailer's message.

[For a step-by-step explanation of remailing with cypherpunk
remailers, see FAQ 3.3.  For an explanation of chaining, see the post
below, or follow John Hull's example:


An explanation is also in the help file from almost any remailer
(under the heading "REMAIL REQUEST: CYPHERPUNK CHAIN" for most
Reliable remailers).  Send a blank email message to a remailer with
"remailer-help" (without the quotes) as the subject, or see Frog's
Thesaurus Data


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Anonymous <> wrote:


>Now I want to use a chain of remailers? How do I do this? I'm
>guessing I should somehow encrypt the message using all the keys of
>the remailers in the chain? And if I send the message to the first
>remailer in the chain, how do I let that remailer know to send it to
>the next one? If someone could either tell me how to do this, or
>direct me toward an information source explaining this, I'd
>appreciate it.

Chaining messages is achieved by repeating the encryption steps.
Taken as an example, chaining through two remailers thus,
You -> A -> B -> Recipient

You start off with your message and prefix with

Anon-To: <recipient@somewhere>

Subject: <some text>


You then encrypt this with the key of the remailer B, and prefix it with 

Anon-To: <Remailer-B@somewhere>

Encrypted: PGP


You take this and encrypt it with the key of remailer A, and prefix with

Encrypted: PGP

and now send it to remailer A.

What happens then is that remailer A takes the message, decodes it, and
sends it to remailer B. Remailer B decodes it and sends it to the

- -- 
The bigger the humbug, the better people will like it.
~ Phineas Taylor Barnum.                    

Version: 2.6.2


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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Previous Document: [FAQ 4.5] Can't the last remailer's remop read my message?
Next Document: [FAQ 4.7] Can I use mail2news gateways to post anonymously?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM