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APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Section - [FAQ 4.11] Which remailers permit my own "From:" header?

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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Previous Document: [FAQ 4.10] When replying to a message, how do I thread my post?
Next Document: [FAQ 4.12] Where do I find public SMTP servers (open relays)?
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[Thanks are due to Boris 'pi' Piwinger for reports, Stefan Wagner
(Narnia Admin) and Jochen Wersdörfer for mentioning their
remailers, and Farout-Admin for posting regular updates.]

A more up-to-date and complete answer to this question is available in
the following table:


As of the date of this FAQ, tests indicate the following remailers
permit the user to specify part or all of the "From:" header line
(either the entire address or the nickname only) in the final headers


*Note that italy2, narnia, and shinn add a disclaimer (either in the
header of the body of the message) when the message has a custom
"From:" header.  The intent of this warning is to reduce forgery

[1] See the Reliable User's Manual for further information:

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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 4/8]: Remailer Details
Previous Document: [FAQ 4.10] When replying to a message, how do I thread my post?
Next Document: [FAQ 4.12] Where do I find public SMTP servers (open relays)?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM