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Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Section - 17. A straightforward pro-simultaneity argument.

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Top Document: Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Previous Document: 16. Einstein's anti-simultaneity argument.
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The SR formula for time dilation holds true if SR holds
true; it says that for a fixed location, x, T'=T/(sqrt(cc-vv).

Because his stationary system clocks are synchronized,
the three times in the stationary system clock synchron-
ization are valid times at any fixed location, x,  in
the stationary system, and for any such fixed location,
t'=t/sqrt(cc-vv), whether t=tb-ta or t=tb-ta'. This is
to say, equal intervals in one inertial system are nec-
essarily equal intervals in any other.

As shown earlier in this faq, non-simultaneity is an
artifact of poor usage. The generalized coordinate
form (x-x0), etc, of an equation should be used; if
you do so, there is no time difference in t' at
different locations of x, etc.

Simultaneity is absolute.


! Eleaticus        Oren C. Webster  ?
! "Anything and everything that requires or encourages systematic   ?
!  examination of premises, logic, and conclusions"                 ?

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Top Document: Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Previous Document: 16. Einstein's anti-simultaneity argument.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM